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A1 Forbidden

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I just swapped from Koodo to Public, and now it seems like my account didn't setup properly. I got a text from 611 saying "You have successfully created a new PIN. Keep this number safe..." etc. But I never created a pin, and now when I try to login I see the A1 Forbidden screen under my account. If I call 611, it says that my account is suspended and that I need to make a payment or select a plan, but without my PIN, I can't do that.. I am unable to make calls or text people currently. Please help.


Mayor / Maire

the A1 forbidden issue is coming, you will need to ask PM to help to sort it out.  

Since you cannot properly login, you won't be able to open the preferred Chatbot ticket.  So, you will need to message them here:

CS_Agent will reply to your community inbox, check here:        


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