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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Do i have 5G , its only showing Lte


Mayor / Maire


If your phone is 5G compatible and if it is a Samsung phone. This is common that it will not show 5G on the phone but a speed test will determine if it is 5G speed on 4G/LTE.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


It depends on your phone. If you have an Iphone 11 and below it does not support 5G. Please also consider your location. In some locations 5G may not be supported or may be weak so it may default to LTE 4G. 
Please also check your phone settings to make sure 5G is enabled. 

LTE is still good especially if you are on the 5G plan as LTE can still get up to 250Mbs.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Look in your phone's settings. 5G might be disabled 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I believe you're phone should display 5G at the top.  Check to make sure your phone is capable of 5G and its turned on in settings, and if you have a 5G plan.  

Mayor / Maire

HI @Jay57 

sometimes, speed on LTE can be as good as 5G

and it depends on the phone, what phone do you have? model?

and you checked the network mode? set to automatic or 5G?


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