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2 Different sim cards on Amazon

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What's the difference between the two different sim cards on amazon.

One of them is $10 and the other is $5.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The cheaper one is indicated as a prepaid card so I'm assuming it has an assigned number, I ordered this not knowing they have different SIM cards so I am nervous to add the new sim number to my account and then lose my phone number? (I am guessing that the eSIM I have now will be voided the minute I replace the SIM number with the physical card in my profile so there would be no way to recover my number if this happens, so I want to be sure before I try.

Mayor / Maire

@Nisechu Nothing but the design. They all do the same thing.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


They are the same. Buy the cheaper one.

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