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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@hTideGnow Yes, I can confirm that I was the first and, tbh, I came to realize I mistook my shortcomings in how I wrote my complaint to CCTS as being the final step for all involved in the process (silly me, I should have checked with Reddit for tips first - d’oh). Anyway, as we all know, some did move on and now we’re waiting. I’m not very hopeful anything meaningful will happen but it ain’t over till it’s over…

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Careful, you're about to be personally attacked for simply pointing out what others are saying. Remember, you're the bad guy here, you're not supposed to notice these things.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

What if the goal of the people slinging the insults, IS to shut down the thread? If you pay close attention, the same people who attack others, and are constantly provoking, just so happen to also be the ones pushing for it to be shut down. Really makes you wonder. Definitely wouldn't be the first time this tactic has been used.

@Wolfcore, so you meant discussion.  "Battles" seems very hostile, I will agree that I like discussions as that is how everyone can get their points out there for evaluation.  I am not sure where you get that I will move/edit (are you saying I edit members posts to change what they are saying?)

By saying I am lieing the only thing I can think of is when I said about the comment on RFD where someone said they got something from the CSA as compensation, that I didn't beleive they got anything as I would have thought if that was true would have seen more comments like that in here.  I said that was the only post I had seen in the RFD thread stating something like that.  That was true, I haven't been in that thread daily to see what is always being said.  So if that is it not sure how that is a lie and if it wasn't what are you saying I am lieing about?

You make it sould like I am moving every post you make.  I would probably say I have moved more posts from eyes and thidegnow than of yours.  I leave placeholders and a comment most of the time (sometimes I do forget the comment)


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

So, here's a funny one. After the announcement of Public Mobile's screw job to legacy rewards customers, I quit and went to another carrier ($119/year !! Unlimited incoming and outgoing call minutes !! Unlimited incoming and outgoing texts !! 5 times the data !! ). It's been more than a month and so far, so great. I just received an email from Public Mobile. The headline: "We're prepared to win you back." How laughable. And what's the offer? PM has the audacity to tell me they'll give me 15 of their stupid points if I come back. That's it. You have got to be kidding me. I am so glad I'm gone.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hmmm, just to be clear, I’d like think my “advice” that I posted in the lounge would be echoed by 99% of posters here - simply for you, me, and everybody else to try as much as possible to avoid personal attacks. Am I saint? Hell no. What was my motivation to offer that advise? Simple, I don’t want to give the mods the opportunity to use prevailing instances of personal attacks as a reason to shut down the threads in the forum!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Please let's end all this - 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Deflect, deflect, deflect. You go after others, and claim that they're attacking people, and calling them slurs, when in reality, you're the one doing it. It's the pot calling the kettle black; it's hypocrisy. You can't get mad when people notice this, I'm sorry. You're not the victim, or the good guy, when you do this. 

hi @ShawnC13 

so far we have four confirmed closed case by CCTS (all rejected)

RetiredGuy1 was the first one reporting it on 4/9, , followed by dariovitale on 4/11 

since there were not too many filing  their complaints until the 2nd week of the announcement, i think there will be more cases closed in the coming weeks But don't expect many will come back reporting the sad news and most of them are not Community regulars.

(updated to remove the wrong info)

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Please take RetiredGuy1 advise.     ✌️

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Didn't you just insult somebody using a phrase that refers to them having no brains? Maybe you should sit this one out, you're clearly not a great moral authority.

And again, I'm sure he's mostly fair and honest, I simply point out the things I notice, and in this particular case, he lied. I guess I'm just supposed to ignore when people lie, especially if they so happen to be an Oracle?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@Wolfcore  you mention Oracles harassing members, don't paint all Oracles with one brush.  If it is me you feel that way say it.  You have been the one telling members they are avoiding battles.  This community is not about battles.

My family has two $29/30GB plan and two $34/50GB Can-US plans and many referrals that have the same plans.  Even not taking in referrals or points I haven't seen a plan that beats those.  Take into account our referrals, annual points (as minimal as they may be) PM is still the best financially for our family.

Accusing people of lying is something that you have done a lot in this thread but now saying Oracles are morally corrupt is going a little far.  There has been a great amount of freedom to this thread but there is seriously no need for personal attacks.

Now he has you on the defensive even though you have many times over proven that you are a fair and honest Oracle. Keep up the good work -- most of us appreciate your efforts.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Oh yeah, totally. There's no way that leaders of a country could possibly cause companies that operate within those countries (or neighboring countries), to make decisions based on the policies (and costs) that are placed upon them by said leaders, that's just a silly premise. 

I know that when gas prices rise, I'm always sure to blame the gas stations.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@ShawnC13 I have not. I have actually stated numerous times that I'm not referring to all Oracles. As for the "battles" comment, you know very well what I mean. These people (including yourself), love to "battle" when you believe that you are in the right, you "battle" all the time, but when you're in the wrong, you don't respond, move/edit messages to avoid people seeing the truth, and then gaslight and pretend like the other person is causing trouble. This is all I'm pointing out. I've seen you "battle" a ton of people in this thread, but now you're trying to act like you're above that. 

Why am I wrong for pointing out the lies, but the people doing the lying, aren't the problem? I'm simply the messenger, I'm calling it as I see it. Are you saying that this forum allows misinformation or outright lies? I didn't think it did. You told a lie, and I called you out on it. I didn't want that lie spreading, because when people believe lies, they're misinformed, and can make bad decisions based on that information. I was simply correcting the record. You didn't like being called a liar (which I assume most people don't), but you should own up to it, and not run, hide, and then paint the person who pointed it out, as the bad guy.

Again, I'm simply pointing out what I see, I'm not "making stuff up". I could provide you with a comprehensive post with all of my evidence, if you allow me, but I assume you won't, will call it off-topic, and would remove it. So either allow me to defend my accusations, or quit claiming that I'm stating things that are untrue. Pretty unfair to make claims about someone when you're in a position of power, and then don't allow them to respond. To me, that's leaning towards the moral issue you're complaining about.


We should be in the timeline now of the first CCTS complaints being wrapped up.  I have seen one I think posted that it was closed but have there been any other results posted?


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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I've read some comments on here blaming Trudeau and Biden, which is so weird and bizarre. It's like I walked into my girlfriend's Albertan family barbeque 

@Wolfcore  you mention Oracles harassing members, don't paint all Oracles with one brush.  If it is me you feel that way say it.  You have been the one telling members they are avoiding battles.  This community is not about battles.

My family has two $29/30GB plan and two $34/50GB Can-US plans and many referrals that have the same plans.  Even not taking in referrals or points I haven't seen a plan that beats those.  Take into account our referrals, annual points (as minimal as they may be) PM is still the best financially for our family.

Accusing people of lying is something that you have done a lot in this thread but now saying Oracles are morally corrupt is going a little far.  There has been a great amount of freedom to this thread but there is seriously no need for personal attacks.


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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Yes, that's possible too. This is what's called an "opinion"; we're all allowed to have one. Thanks for stating the obvious. I could be wrong, you could be wrong. I could be right, you could be right. I'm not stating something as fact, I'm stating an opinion.

HI @RetiredGuy1 

since a weeks ago , CCTS already closing case confirming they have no power to stop PM from changing the system.  Just a matter of time they close them all

Not a result we like, and PM definitely can do better.  it is more customers time to decide, stay, or move on. 

Also, it is also time for everyone on this thread and move on and stop attacking

HI @kb_mv 

I agree wholeheartedly it is time to lock this thread.  There is really no value since Page 3 of this thread

@Wolfcore instead of "The vast majority of customers still don't know about this decision", maybe most of them knew by now and they just don't take the same view as you?  Like, they did what they have to do (stay, or change carrier or submit complaints) instead of coming here to attack others?  And you sound so like those politicians too,  if people don't agree with you. they are just minority?  LoL

Is your Campaign slogan : "Make PM Great again" .. or "Take PM Back"  or "Take $7 Back"??

if you run, I will vote for you, I don't mind to take the free ride and get my free money back

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I agree most aspects have been very well covered by now and I guess the next item of interest will be the CCTS process concluding as the timeframes must be nearing an end. Not just for that reason, but on principle, I don’t agree the thread should be locked. Considering different viewpoints can provide value and, as @ShawnC13 has previously stated - providing information to help people make informed decisions. I agree with that and would just add that you don’t necessarily have to be an Oracle to be in that position. So, lets continue the thread in a constructive and meaningful way.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

What are you going on about? We've had like one or two people mention these things, and they were moved by Oracles, because "politics isn't allowed". Sounds like more gaslighting to me.

99.9% of this thread is about displeasure with the decision PM has made. Closing it would just be them trying to hide from their decision, and trying to prevent their customers from voicing their concerns. All of these posts would just become their own individual threads, and would make a mess of the forum. 

The vast majority of customers still don't know about this decision, and will only figure it out once they receive their first credit card statement. So really, I think this topic is only just getting started.

Mayor / Maire

This thread has become less and less about displeasure with PM and more and more about blaming it on Trudeau and Biden and blaming communism that we are too dumb to see in front of our eyes not to mention attacking each other. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, I am not taking sides. But honestly, after 159 pages and almost 4800 replies, there is nothing new that can be added. Anyone just learning of PM's decision can easily find within the thread options with different providers as well as how and where to complain. I really think it's time to lock the topic.

Edit: spelling

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

For people that didn't see the first message, here's eyes doing exactly what he proclaims others to be doing. Said that somebody has no brains (clearly an insult). I don't know why there are two nearly identical posts with no edits, and one is in the lounge, but this one is still here, but regardless, this shows you the type of hypocrisy we're dealing with:

Well I'll give you the benefit of just being lacking between your ears ----- The reason that even CS Agent advise to place your phone in lost stolen is because if you have available funds in your account - even if you have disabled auto pay the funds will be automatically drawn and your plan activated. Perhaps one of our Oracles can jump in to confirm what I say.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Well I'll give you the benefit of not being aware  ----- 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I’d make a comment but it would get deleted (like this one likely will) as I noticed my earlier post pointing out how the transition in May for those whose cycle date is before the end of the 30-day period from recent texts is not being handled very well by PM either. It would appear some mods are getting quite trigger happy.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Nono, definitely not all of them (I've said this before, should have stated it again). There are a few Oracles out there who aren't doing any of this, and they've mostly stayed away from this thread. 

I wouldn’t paint them all with the same brush , but unfortunately it just takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch . Otherwise your self and retired guy1 certainly have captured the correct picture /overview and it cannot be denied . But hey misery loves company 

@RetiredGuy1 , yes even PM should have laid it out better in their explanation


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