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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,553 REPLIES 5,553

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Just for your curiosity—-Please tell me when was the very last time these accounts logged in to this forum?

Let me guess they are all banned members that have multiple accounts banned.


Edit: typo


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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Yes, let's trust PM's own site, that they have full control over, to deliver us accurate information about a topic that I'm sure they'd like to keep as quiet as possible, as it involves them giving preferential treatment to certain users over others, and would cost them a ton of money if more people found out about it 🤣

We've had thousands of messages be deleted/moved from this thread/forum, who knows how many of them involved topics like that. PM's own forum is the last place you should go to for trusted information on topics that make them look bad. Thinking otherwise would just be silly. A lot of people don't even bother posting here, because they know the game. You should see how many people have been dm'ing me privately, telling me all of the crazy stuff that's gone down here over the years.

I have not said they are lieing.  I have said said I doubt.  If I said I know they haven't gotten anything that would be something different.   Again, I am saying that I would have expected more comments to help fellow customers knowing what people got and who they got it from.  As a large number of people have come here asking for the wording for CCTS complaints and they also know they must go to PM first that it would be expected to have comments in here of people getting a solution or compensation.


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HI @Wolfcore 

i don't see anyone got the same "offer" and posted here.  But it is certain they won't lie about these freebies in PM own site as PM have ways to validate 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13 and @Wolfcore  I am by no means trying to wade into this but I feel compelled to offer one thought here. This whole debate is premised on what or what is not posted either on RFD or here and, more importantly, just what that represents. In my humble opinion, neither RFD or here are the be-all or end-all for reaching a definitive conclusion on just about anything including either the number of CCTS complaints that have been made or how many may have received any compensation. I would wager far more people do not post on online forums than those that do. Okay, I’m back out now lol

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'll relink the old post here, so you can read it. There have probably been more since then. I see you're still going with the "they must all be lying" explanation, but I really don't understand what these people could possibly have to gain by lying.

I saw this post so I better reply or it will be seen as me ignoring you. I am still really unsure if compensation was given.  It is a YMMV when you get mods but of the I would guess by this thread couple thousand people that would have reached out to CSA's to start their CCTS complaints that if this was happening that there wouldn have been more posts in this thread of compensation given.  I guess I need to be very specific what thread I refer to.  I saw the post early on in RFD as it was flagged in our Oracle group.  I have probably been in the RFD thread 3 maybe 4 times.  

I am wondering how many other posts did you find of people getting compensation from RFD?  Legit question, I know you said you posted but I am not going back through all your posts to find it.  It would be interesting to see if these people all had the same CSA.  I don't know how many CSA's there is but say there are 10 and one was giving compensation wouldn't that equate to 10% of original contacts possibly getting compensation?  Even it got corrected within the week, those first few days were truly the in rush of complaints going to CSA's.  Even a small percentage of say 20-50 people I would think you would hear a lot about it especially as everyone was just ramping up to band together and fight PM/Telus


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Mayor / Maire

@eyes wrote:

Hey I didn’t respond to you - are you now hijacking other posts? I was responding to an Oracles post. 
Again please just stop all this  and leave me alone .

Ps  you are providing great comic relief here while we’re on before dinner beer time. 

Beer, tea, coffee, milk, all good beverages...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Man, you are not a serious person. "Leave me alone, but just ignore the fact that I'm attempting to get you banned right in front of your face (which means I'm not ignoring you myself)". The amount of hypocrisy just blows my mind. If you want people to leave you alone, stop publicly talking about them, it's a very simple concept. Don't expect others to do what you want them to do, when you won't even do it yourself.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey I didn’t respond to you - 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Again, you're making claims that you can't support. Where are my "attacks", my "unfounded accusations", and my "insults"? People shouldn't just be banned because you say so, that's not how it works. On the other hand, we have actual examples of you personally insulting other subscribers here, as well as spamming. 

For somebody who claims to not want this thread filled with what you describe, why do you continue to provoke people (like myself)? I just don't get it. You're continuing to do exactly what you're preaching against. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

We all know that you do the best you can in an honourable way. 
Why do you even bother engaging with his  nonsense- His novel long posts are full of bitterness and anger .  Im now bracing myself for yet another attack full of unfounded accusations and insults.  I don’t see him posting in other threads to help others but just complaining and accusing fellow members and oracles .Why not just ban him and be done with it and if you feel I’m out of line just ban me too.  This is supposed to be a help forum isn’t it? 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yep, I got one too.. Too late PM.. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Did you get any info that the case moved to the next stage? I'm also waiting for PM to respond after CCTS rejection but I doubt they will. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My case is still open with CCTS. PM objected, CCTS rejected the objection. PM had until Apr 11 to respond, they didn't. My complaint has been moved onto the next stage where a complaints resolution officer will be in contact with both parties. Have not heard from them yet. I don't expect anything to  happ with my case, but it was nice to be able to force my view to PM and they had to respond. And also to know that any money they saved from me changing from rewards to points was used in paying for the complaint.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Come on Shawn, be honest. You know very well you weren't talking about this thread. The entire topic was about the RFD thread, and that's literally what you were commenting on, and saying you believed it was untrue. You made no indication that you were referring to this thread. 

Even in your next post, you said:

I am surprised we don't have people in this thread saying they are getting anything from the CSA's.  All we are reading here is they are promoting the points system

Which, logically, would insinuate that you are NOW talking about this thread, whereas the previous post, you weren't. Anyway, it is what it is, if you don't want to be honest, there's really nothing I can say. 

You obviously have an idea or preception of who I am and see every post that way and continue to spin it to fit your narrative of me.

and no, this is not true. I'm not spinning anything. To me, what you said was quite clear, and I think anybody reading it would say the same thing. I try not to paint with a broad brush. People can tell singular lies, and this doesn't mean that I'm going to believe that everything they say from that point on, will also be a lie. As far as I know, I haven't claimed that you've lied about anything else, which should prove that. But you're definitely not making it easy.

Even that time I felt you were trying to get others to harass me, what did I do? I messaged you privately, rather than say anything publicly. I've been very respectful towards you, in my opinion (a lot more than I've received back, that's for sure).

@Wolfcore wrote:

I haven't been in that thread daily to see what is always being said.  So if that is it not sure how that is a lie and if it wasn't what are you saying I am lieing about?

I believe you know very well what I'm referring to. It was the only time you've actually completely ignored me, and didn't respond. This is what you said:

I read that early on in the RFD thread but I really don't think that happened.  If it did there were would be a lot more posts like that every time someone got that CSA.  I believe that post was made within days of the announcement and 5.5 weeks later we don't hear more about it really makes me doubt that it did happen.

You claim now that you weren't in that thread daily, and that you could not have possibly have known, but look at what you said at the time. The tone was a lot different, you're speaking as fact. Even claiming to know that after 5.5 weeks, we haven't heard anything else. 

I then proceeded to show how that was untrue, by providing evidence, and you just ignored me. Either you purposefully lied in order to protect PM (which means that you knew there were more examples, but chose to ignore them), or you unintentionally lied in your pursuit to protect PM (you didn't bother to actually research before making that claim). I just believe people should own up to things when they're wrong, that's all.

 @Wolfcore  this actualy makes my brain hurt how you process my posts. I don't go into RFD daily or even weekly probably lol.  My first sentence said I think so that is opinion based.  If it did happen I would have expected to see a lot more comments in here when/if people got the same treatment.  Again the 5.5 weeks later seeing more was a comment on this thread as I am not in RFD often.

Now if I didn't reply to one of your posts directed at me, my  aplogies, I am not in this thread 24 hours.  Today at home so had some time early on and with the Tags and DM's I get in a day, there are many days I don't even get to them (Plus I Admin another site as well).  When I do get in here somedays there are pages and pages and admittedly I won't go through them post by post if I don't have the time.

I am still trying to figure out how I intentionally lied to protect PM?  Seing a post on RFD early on and posting my opinion on it.  I was going on the information I had as I have said I don't frequent there often.

So I still don't see how any of this is lieing?  You obviously have an idea or preception of who I am and see every post that way and continue to spin it to fit your narrative of me.


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@steveb11, intersting this is the first I have heard of winback emails going out. 


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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yeah, I guess thats possible. Funny thing is I’ve been with PM for years and never posted before this announcement six weeks ago. I’m not a techie by any stretch so I would be about the last guy to post in the help section. I never posted in the announcements or lounge because I was a happy customer with PM, I felt I had good value, rewards were applied automatically to reduce my bill so, in short, I never gave PM any thought (other than pay the bills). Like everybody else, that all changed on March 6th and here I am. So, all that to say I have difficulty understanding a motive to shut down this thread and, by doing so, effectively preventing others an opportunity to engage with each other.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you..

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Most likely Freedom's yearly plans. They've got 3. The most expensive one works out to be $12.50/month ($149/y), for 2.5GB/month (unlimited talk/text/nationwide). The $119 ($10/month) one is 1.25GB/month.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Who are you with?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

A back and fourth, yes. I just use the word battle, because it's two opposing arguments. This doesn't have to mean hostile.

 I am not sure where you get that I will move/edit (are you saying I edit members posts to change what they are saying?)

I consider them the same. To me, editing just means modifying/changing. If you move it, I consider that editing.

I haven't been in that thread daily to see what is always being said.  So if that is it not sure how that is a lie and if it wasn't what are you saying I am lieing about?

I believe you know very well what I'm referring to. It was the only time you've actually completely ignored me, and didn't respond. This is what you said:

I read that early on in the RFD thread but I really don't think that happened.  If it did there were would be a lot more posts like that every time someone got that CSA.  I believe that post was made within days of the announcement and 5.5 weeks later we don't hear more about it really makes me doubt that it did happen.

You claim now that you weren't in that thread daily, and that you could not have possibly have known, but look at what you said at the time. The tone was a lot different, you're speaking as fact. Even claiming to know that after 5.5 weeks, we haven't heard anything else. 

I then proceeded to show how that was untrue, by providing evidence, and you just ignored me. Either you purposefully lied in order to protect PM (which means that you knew there were more examples, but chose to ignore them), or you unintentionally lied in your pursuit to protect PM (you didn't bother to actually research before making that claim). I just believe people should own up to things when they're wrong, that's all.

You make it sould like I am moving every post you make.  I would probably say I have moved more posts from eyes and thidegnow than of yours.  I leave placeholders and a comment most of the time (sometimes I do forget the comment)

I'm not talking about you specifically. I can't actually tell who is moving which posts (or at least I don't think so). As you admit now, sometimes you leave comments, sometimes you don't, so who knows. I'm just saying in general. So many posts are being moved, including posts that don't appear to be breaking any rules. And when Oracles are shown in a bad light (because of what they're doing), those posts are DEFINITELY being moved. That's all I'm saying. You guys have power that we don't, and the narrative is being controlled because of that. We're not able to defend ourselves, but others are allowed to make accusations.

@Wolfcore wrote:

What if the goal of the people slinging the insults, IS to shut down the thread? If you pay close attention, the same people who attack others, and are constantly provoking, just so happen to also be the ones pushing for it to be shut down. Really makes you wonder. Definitely wouldn't be the first time this tactic has been used.

hi @Wolfcore 

is that your purpose?  how can you think of all these great plans?


HI @hkjhkj 

you are great.  I removed the 2 from the 4.  So, still have 2 confirmed cases

Thanks for the re-cap I think there will be a HUGE influx of "Closing" CCTS files in the next week or so, and seeing if they are all the result or some do have actions that PM/Telus have to take.  As we have had some not get to the same part of the process before they were closed it could all be based on the wording used, or even the person reviewing the file


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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@hTideGnow Yes, I can confirm that I was the first and, tbh, I came to realize I mistook my shortcomings in how I wrote my complaint to CCTS as being the final step for all involved in the process (silly me, I should have checked with Reddit for tips first - d’oh). Anyway, as we all know, some did move on and now we’re waiting. I’m not very hopeful anything meaningful will happen but it ain’t over till it’s over…

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