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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,587 REPLIES 5,587

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So my plan will essentially be increasing $7/month with the switch to points. I’ve been pretty happy with PM despite some annoyances here and there (EverSafe, certain plans only being available to new activations, etc.), but BECAUSE of the rewards, I was happily locked in. Now I’ll definitely not hesitate to switch should a better option open up elsewhere.

In general I hate and avoid point systems and if it’s true you need to accrue 15 points before you can redeem a bill credit, it’s even more useless to me.

Is there anyone else who still hasn’t received a text or email about this yet? Aside from the occasional text about CRTC complaints, and 2FA codes, I never hear a peep from PM and always have to come to the forums to read about any changes.

Mayor / Maire

As I mentioned earlier in this topic, I will be shopping my plan (coming up $34/50GB US-CAN) to other carriers to see if there are any better offers for me. I see a lot of posts saying "I'm outta here" or "I will be leaving immediately if they don't reverse this". I am genuinely curious what plan you have and where is it better. I have looked around today for a comparable prepaid US-Can plan similar to mine (see above) and can't seem to find anything prepaid that gives me the same or better than what I have even without rewards. Feel free to PM me rather than post competitor's info here.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

"If you remove the auto-pay credit, why would I bother to keep auto-paying?"

I feel the same way, except it's really convenient for me to pay this way. If I decide to stay with PM, then once this change takes effect, I'm considering doing this instead.

I'll log into my account once per month to redeem the 5% points & when I see that I've accumulated enough to pay for one month including taxes, I'll opt out of auto pay & pay off that month with my points.

After the payment by points is confirmed, then I'll opt back into auto pay, rinse, repeat. 

That way I won't have to worry about payments being received on time & I can log in whenever I want to during the intervening months. Does that make sense? 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Just wait until they eventually raise the prices of all these new plans that they've been bringing in thousands of customers with. It's only a matter of time. Competitors have already raised some of their black friday plans by $5. It's all about luring the customers in, screwing them over on the backend, and just hope that they are willing to accept the slap to the face, and stick around.

HI @Soon-ex-PM-user 

not funny, not sure why people who always thinking community members work for PM

and Mayor title are those who have been here long enough and reply enough pos

Oracle are customers too, but they are small group of 5 to 8 (forgot how many) to monitor and maintain the board, they kind of know more than majority of us


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Completed my forum profile just to add my booooooo.  Knew it would happen eventually, hate the sugar coating

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

So, new question...

Do accounts with "unlimited" data plans actually get the bonus data?  We have several accounts that have a scheduled plan change at next renewal to the $34 US plan pending. Right now they are $34/40 unlimited. Are we being punished for that?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Very disappointing!  I could have my plan switched to Shaw (now Rogers) a couple years back when they offer free cell phone plan $0 with for home internet subscription.  I've been with PM for so long that I don't even remember how long.  I faithfully stayed just for their reward program.  When I first joined, there was no limit to the years that you've joined.  You earned $1 extra per month per year.  If you were to stay long enough, monthly plan could go down to $0.  But things have been changed and they capped the limit to up to 5 years (I just found out that no wonder why my bill hasn't come down any lower for the past few years.  But I'm still happy for paying only $8 for a $15 plan.) 
When they first launched this new points program, they let us choose not to switch.  But I had a feeling that one day they're going to move everybody to the new system.  And this day has finally come.  Although I'm kind of knowing it's happening one day, I am still very disappointed!
I guess I have nowhere to go and have to accept it.  I'm on the lowest $15 plan.  Although many other providers offer similar plan for $15, if I switch I'll need to buy a new sim and I will be paying $15+taxes with no loyalty program.  Any better plans out there?  I would definitely switch if I can find anything lower. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Has it already started?  I received just 1 refer-a-friend buck, rather than the $81 I am owed.

This is soooo upsetting!


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It's really the only way. Just like almost every other company out there, these guys always reward new customers better than old ones. Just look at the last few months, where current customers had to fight with agents on here just to get the same plans that new customers (with no proven loyalty), were being offered. New customers are always offered the best deals.

So you gotta speak with your wallet. Leave and take your referrals with you if possible (not like there's a shortage of similarly-priced competitors out there), and who knows, maybe within a year or two, PM will try and entice you back with something greater. If not, oh well, their loss.

@Soon-ex-PM-user  I don't think I have been promoting this as a good thing and pointed out other downfalls of rewards they took away. There is a separate section for Oracles and I can tell you we are amplifying the concerns here and very vocal of the unhappiness of the community.  As well or discussion there is much more direct and we can really consolidate the concerns and just keep pointing them out


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I second this opinion. As a long time subscriber (5+ years) I will be taking my business elsewhere in May.

Vote with your wallets 🙂 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

"I found a link to a points catalog but the link is dead. Can you get any good add ons and how much do they cost?"

I wondered about this as well & the link is also dead, I'm guessing for everyone except for those already on the points system.  

@HOTO , that is your personal amount.  I thought it was limited as well but my number matches my referrals


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

OK, I just switched 3 plans from the $40 plan to the $34 plan and one from the $24 plan to the $15 plan.

I now have zero loyalty to public, like they have for me.

I will of course stay as long as this is the best deal I can get.

If I find a deal somewhere else I will now port in and out as needed. I never did that before because the loyalty points kept me here. If public has no loyalty then I won't either, it goes both ways.

For now the money they will make on me with this boneheaded move is ZERO and now they have real competition which they never had before when I was LOYAL.

PS. Each account is at least 5-7 years old.


@HOTO wrote:

Looks like it might be even worse.

The wording here implies that max points for referrals is 2 points per month:

public mobile points.jpg


What is showing is for your account at the present time.  You have 2 friend referrals, so you will receive 2 points/30 days.  You can sign up more friends if you can and get more points per 30 days.  

Another customers opt in page will show different referral points depending on how many friend referrals that that customer has at the present time. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So if I follow the math correctly ... on a $40 month plan with $2 auto, $5 loyalty, I'm getting $2 worth of points every month (2 pts), 10 points every year for loyalty. So end of the year I can save $30 (34 pts) versus the old system of $84. Yay...

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

funny eh?  The people that are shilling for Public Mobile or defending them are mostly people with 'Mayor' or 'Oracle' status (in Public Mobile forum). I am wondering if some of them are working for Public Mobile 🤔

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I am also sitting on 7 referrals, but if you count the secondary referrals (people who my referrals have referred), It's far more. All of these people are in close contact too, so it's quite easy to switch them all to another company.

I've been with Pm for 8 years, and so have most of my referrals. Just think of all the money we've given them. We've all been loyal, only to have it be shoved in our faces in the end, by pretending like they're switching us over to something greater, like we're a bunch of idiots.

There's no more loyalty once you do this to your customers, and due to a much more competitive market now, there's really no reason to stick around anymore. Better off just getting you and your referrals to all switch to a competitor, and even if they betray you as well one day, at least you'll have saved some money in the meantime.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

This is terrible news. The old rewards program was what kept me loyal to Public Mobile. With a change like this, it's not only about a decrease in value, but an added inconvenience of having to redeem points periodically. So things cost more + needs more work from me. If you're going to make things cost more for a customer, make it dead simple to justify it. Sadly, you haven't. The better strategy was to make your Public Points program better than your old program, not worse.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

No thanks PM. You are punishing your long time loyal customers and disguising this as an awesome new change but its only good for you PM.


Instead of loosing the years of loyalty of up to 5$/mo, you should make the 10 pts per year cumulate up to 50 pts per year just like to the previous program, I think that would help keep most of us loyal customers happy.


I manage all my family's accounts (7 accounts) and it will end up costing my family an extra 40-50$ or more with the conversions to points. At least, add an option to automatically redeem points and the possibility to manage multiple accounts from one login. So that us "account managers" don't need login to each of our family members account with that super secure 2FA and how long it takes to load any page on self-serve.


I was a satisfied customer until this, now I am not so sure 😕

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am close to $9 too. I think it’s probably time to move on. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Where is the thumb down button? I would like to use something to thumb down 👎

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Shhh! You're not supposed to do the math! Everybody is supposed to think that this new system is far greater, far superior, the best of the best. Keep quiet before they toss you in the gulag!

HI @Stelawrat 

if you have enough credit or available funds, you still don't have to login to make payment

if you don't have enough, then you can set autopay

but with the rewards, yes, you have to keep checking and make manual redeem to change 15 points to $15

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I think the reference to bill credits was badly worded. Should have been more along the lines of, the method used to apply bill credits has changed, or will change. 

As per the following, all credits earned up to May 2024 are saved, can be used towards bill payments. You have to log in monthly to make your bill payments now though, which I'm betting isn't appreciated by anyone. 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

LOL I saw and wondered when it happened!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Can the devs do something?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is by far the worst move PM could ever make.

I have been a fierce promoter of PM to all my friends and family for 8+ years. This is totally unacceptable. I will simply switch providers and bring all my friends and family with me.

Byebye PM

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What other good alternatives are there?

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