03-19-2019 01:54 PM - edited 03-19-2019 07:31 PM
Most Recent Update
19:30 ET - March 19, 2019
Hey Community,
Earlier today we identified an issue affecting select customers on Province-wide talk plans in which outbound phone calls were unable to be placed. Inbound calling, texting and data services remained unaffected.
Our technical teams are implementing a solution which will restore outbound calling service to normal by early morning of March 20. No action is required on your behalf.
However, in the meantime, we have added a complimentary 400 minutes Long Distance Talk Add-On (includes calls to Canada & the U.S) for our affected customers, which you can use immediately and will allow you to make outbound calls. This Add-On will not expire as any unused minutes will roll over to your next cycle.
We understand that your service and staying connected is important and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your patience.
-Public Mobile Community Team
Please click the spoiler for a full history of this service issue to date.
13:30 ET - March 19, 2019
Hey Community,
We’ve identified an issue affecting select customers on Province-wide talk plans in which outbound phone calls are unable to placed. Currently, this looks to be isolated only to Quebec.
If you’re currently experiencing this issue, please note that inbound calling, texting, and data services remain unaffected. Meanwhile, wi-fi calling services and inbound calling may meet your talk needs temporarily.
Our technical team has identified the source of the issue and is working to restore service as quickly as possible. We will provide updates as we learn more.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
-Public Mobile Community Team
02-09-2021 07:56 PM
Just bringing this thread to the forefront for those customers experiencing this issue once again. Hopefully pm will address the issue with the work around ( free long distance add on) and a fix.
Adding the $5/500 min add on to your account will solve your problem then contact the moderators and ask for a credit. Link this thread for the moderators to reference for precedence.
01-10-2020 01:40 AM
@croninbonnie The last resort in these situations is the lost/stolen trick. Using this will cause your rewards to not be automatically applied on your next renewal. Requiring a moderator to apply them manually afterwards. Not a big deal if you only have a couple of $$ in rewards but inconvenient if you have a lot of rewards. So if a feature (like calling) is affected log into your account and report the phone lost/stolen. Log out. Wait 5 minutes. Log back in and report found. Log out. Reboot your phone. In my case this has fixed incoming calls from going straight to voicemail. This and my other suggestions will help when your stuck in a situation like the other day.
01-09-2020 09:58 PM
Thank you! I will try turning it off and then on if this happens again. Thank you
01-09-2020 03:22 PM
@croninbonnie What was the the reason for the problem initially and how was it resolved? Knowing a few troubleshooting techniques could resolve the issue. Such as rebootiing the phone or toggling airplane mode on and off. These are easiest ways of fixing connectivity problems that are the most common issues users may experiencee.
01-09-2020 02:26 PM
@croninbonnie wrote:I forgot to add my daughter states, this happens often to her. If there is no garantee for uninterrupted service, I need to go to a different company, even if it costs more. I can't be sittling in the dark on a highway. This is my only problem. I have been very happy until now. Is there a way to have an emergency by-pass number to call for such circumstances?
@croninbonnie Unfortunately, there is no live support, even if it is an emergency situation. All support for Public Mobile is done vie this community forum, and interactions with the moderator team via messaging.
01-09-2020 02:23 PM
My problem is not resolved. My phone works, but not well enough if I can't make calls when needed.
01-09-2020 02:21 PM
I forgot to add my daughter states, this happens often to her. If there is no garantee for uninterrupted service, I need to go to a different company, even if it costs more. I can't be sittling in the dark on a highway. This is my only problem. I have been very happy until now. Is there a way to have an emergency by-pass number to call for such circumstances?
01-09-2020 02:14 PM
How do I register a complaint about outgoing calls or at least make sure it doesn't happen again. I am 71 yrs old female and was stuck on the highway last night because I could not call. The message was my bill was unpaid ... and please ignore the message if it was paid. Well it was paid and there I sat on the highway jn the dark
12-17-2019 10:28 PM
Hi, the free 400 international minutes and free 1 GB data are not inserted into you account automatically. You need to go into your account, you are in OVERVIEW, go to PURCHASE ADD ONS, scroll down to the darker blue area where you should see the options in TALK for adding the FREE 400 INTERNATIONAL MINUTES for 0.00 dollars. Click the plus sign to change it to 1.
On the 3rd column, you should see the option for the FREE 1GB DATA, click the plus sign to change it to 1. Then scroll to the bottom where you select to buy add ons. You should see the option to confirm purchase and it should say 0.00 dollar value so you know you are opting for the free holiday giveaway that Public Mobile is giving away to their customers until 25th December 2019.
You can use these 400 minutes till they are used up. That should supplement your regular minutes. Enjoy
12-16-2019 05:14 AM
@samvesuna wrote:I am still gettingthe message for local calls "sorry, we could not complete your call. You don't have an active long-distance add-on and this call is not covered by your plan. Get an add-on by dialing *611." Then, the connection is cut. I need help by someone fixing the problem. I am 85 years old and I need my mobile phone working. I have a monthly auto paid plan and is paid up. Can someone plese call me on my land line xxx xxx xxxx
Sam xxxxxx
@samvesuna A couple of questions to see if we can help you before getting you to contact the moderators for help. Unfortunately no one can call you...you have to do everything by messages but we can help you along the way. What plan are you on? Is it the $15? If it is you may have run out of outgoing calling minutes. Can you access your account? Your username is your email and your password...only you know. Once you log in on the overview page under my plan and add ons...what do you see? Do you see 100 outgoing min. 0/100 ?
Do you only see unlimited international texts and unlimited incoming calling? If that's all then you have used up your outgoing minutes. You can purchase an add on for calling that is very cheap $5/500 minutes or public mobile is giving everyone who is a public mobile customer 2 gifts 1gb of data and 400 international calling minutes. You can use these for calling until renewal and then they will stay on your account til you need to use them again. Just go to the top of the overview page click on plans and add ons. Scroll down to the blue add ons sections. In the first column the very first add on will say holiday 400 international minutes $0. Click on the ticker to move it from zero (0) to one (1) scroll down to submit payment button and click on it to submit $0 to purchase the free add on gift. Go back to your overview page and you should now see holiday 400 international minutes add on 0/400. You can now call out again. If you want the free holiday 1gb data add on just repeat the same process but in the third column of the add one section.
If you have a $25 and up plan you have a different issue and probably need a moderator. Report back what you see when you log in and we'll help you along the way....
12-15-2019 08:10 PM - edited 04-05-2020 01:33 AM
Stay safe
12-15-2019 08:06 PM
I am still gettingthe message for local calls "sorry, we could not complete your call. You don't have an active long-distance add-on and this call is not covered by your plan. Get an add-on by dialing *611." Then, the connection is cut. I need help by someone fixing the problem. I am 85 years old and I need my mobile phone working. I have a monthly auto paid plan and is paid up. Can someone plese call me on my land line 905 477 3808.
Sam Vesuna
09-21-2019 08:31 AM
@Fonniekennedy wrote:I am unable to make local calls. It says that I don’t have long distance on my plan. I have the 40 dollar Canada wide. @moderatorteam
However if it is a message you are hearing... your call should go thruvafter the msg. Just put a 1 in front of all numbers...all calls are Canada wide so it makes no difference.
09-21-2019 08:29 AM
@Fonniekennedy wrote:I am unable to make local calls. It says that I don’t have long distance on my plan. I have the 40 dollar Canada wide. @moderatorteam
In order to talk to a moderator the fastest way is by submitting a ticket thru Simon (?) Bottom of the screen on the right. It prioritizes your issue....
09-21-2019 08:22 AM
I am unable to make local calls. It says that I don’t have long distance on my plan. I have the 40 dollar Canada wide. @moderatorteam
06-25-2019 10:35 AM
@LZSOttawa wrote:Problem SOLVED!!! I purchased the $5 minutes add-on and my phone miraculously works again. THANK YOU for your advice!!!
No problem!
06-25-2019 10:35 AM
Problem SOLVED!!! I purchased the $5 minutes add-on and my phone miraculously works again. THANK YOU for your advice!!!
06-25-2019 10:33 AM
Okay, thanks for that question. It seems that when my card was charged for $5, it went into my "available funds" but didn't actually purchase the add-on. I just did the purchase again and this time the $5 in available funds went towards my add-on. Now let's see if it actually allows me to call again.
06-25-2019 10:24 AM
@LZSOttawa wrote:Yes, I have.
Did you have funds in the account to cover the costs of the Add-on?
06-25-2019 10:22 AM
Yes, I have.
06-25-2019 10:19 AM
@LZSOttawa wrote:
Here is what I see in my Overview window. I don't see any minutes. And about 2 minutes ago, acting on your advice, I purchased the 500-minute add-on for $5. It is not showing, despite the fact that it charged my card. Instead, it seems to have reduced my $15 payment to $10 still owing - it seems to have processed my add-on payment as a partial payment towards my monthly bill, which is not due until early July. Now I don't want to try it again and purchase yet another add-on. And the result? Still no minutes showing, and I just tried to make a phone call, and it STILL doesn't work, still get the same message. Very, very confused.
Have you gone under Plans > Data & Add-on Usage?
06-25-2019 10:16 AM
And by the way, I am sure that I never used up 100 minutes of the original plan, anyway.
06-25-2019 10:15 AM
Here is what I see in my Overview window. I don't see any minutes. And about 2 minutes ago, acting on your advice, I purchased the 500-minute add-on for $5. It is not showing, despite the fact that it charged my card. Instead, it seems to have reduced my $15 payment to $10 still owing - it seems to have processed my add-on payment as a partial payment towards my monthly bill, which is not due until early July. Now I don't want to try it again and purchase yet another add-on. And the result? Still no minutes showing, and I just tried to make a phone call, and it STILL doesn't work, still get the same message. Very, very confused.
06-25-2019 09:58 AM
I also just "talked" with Simon the e-bot, and tried the fixes he suggested, including powering off and removing my sim card, then replacing the simcard and powering up (after a couple of minutes). Did not work. Whenever I try to place a call, I get the following message from a male voice:
"Sorry, we could not complete your call. You don't have an active long-distance add-on and this call is not covered by your plan. Get an add-on by dialing *611." Then, the connection is cut.
I get this message for any call, including checking my voice mail.
06-25-2019 09:58 AM
Do you see the following talk add on in your overview page?
Data & Add-Ons | Amount Used |
100 Minutes Canada-Wide Talk | 4 / 100 MIN |
If you don't see the counter, you ran out of minutes. You could then buy a $5 talk add on, 500 CDN minutes. Unused portion rolls over to next month.
06-25-2019 09:55 AM - edited 06-25-2019 09:59 AM
@LZSOttawa wrote:Everything else works. I have the $15/month plan, which is supposed to give me 100 minutes outgoing - and no, I couldn't have run out of minutes.
Can you go in your self-serve account ..and above DATA OPTIONS can you see minutes?
06-25-2019 09:52 AM
Everything else works. I have the $15/month plan, which is supposed to give me 100 minutes outgoing - and no, I couldn't have run out of minutes.
06-25-2019 09:39 AM
Which plan do you have? Is it possible that you ran out of minutes? More details would be helpful. Ie. Does you text or data work, etc.
06-25-2019 09:32 AM
@LZSOttawa wrote:I am having this issue right now, since yesterday. Cannot place ANY outgoing calls, not even check my voicemail. How can this be resolved?
It would be easier to post here your problem...https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/forums/postpage/board-id/getting_started you will have more help.
06-25-2019 09:22 AM
I am having this issue right now, since yesterday. Cannot place ANY outgoing calls, not even check my voicemail. How can this be resolved?