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Protect Your Community Rewards | Link Your Community Account and My Account

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community, 


We are making system upgrades! To prevent any issues with your Community rewards we kindly ask you to link your Community Account to your My Account by April 27, 2023.   


Linking your Community account will provide you with a faster support experience and allow us to apply your hard earned Community rewards to your desired My Account.


How to link your Community account to My Account

To link your accounts, simply use the same email address for both your Community account and My Account. Follow these simple steps to connect your accounts:


  1. Sign in to your Community account
  2. Go to ‘My Settings’
  3. Select ‘Personal,’ then click on ‘Email’
  4. Enter and confirm your My Account email address, and select ‘Save’

We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to evolve our products to give the best online experience across all our platforms; Rewards, My Account & Community Support.   


Thank you, 


- Public Mobile Team



@computergeek541 wrote:

Is Public Mobile saying to fill the form out to change the e-mail addresss even if the correct e-mail address is already shown?

To be fair, Public Mobile has once again managed to communicate basic, simple things in confusing, ambiguous ways. I think the fact that so many people are asking the obvious question is itself evidence of poor communication.

@hTideGnow wrote:

Hi @ShawnC13 


but what is PM's position on this?   I see Pm has been doing the right thing in  keep blocking the one big name player  from resurrecting , I am confused, too 

(sorry , no offense to the other  affected members)

@hTideGnow I have been told this is being looked into and will be dealt with


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Mayor / Maire

Really not sure why this is needed other than the obvious of making sure CR is allocated to the right account which, I think/hope, most of us are aware of or why there's a cut-off date.  What happens to accounts that haven't updated their email to be the same for both self serve and community accounts by the 27th of this month @J_PM ?


Of course, welcome back @stonechucker  and I believe you're  missing the "Retired Oracle" designation..

Mayor / Maire


It seems to me someone has an agenda whose contributions to the community lately are largely directed at banned community members. You would think once the goal of getting them banned was achieved they would get on with helping others rather than constantly posting what they assume is the truth but is only rumor.


I of course am who I am and I have never denied it nor do I need to....🐈

Hi @ShawnC13 


but what is PM's position on this?   I see Pm has been doing the right thing in  keep blocking the one big name player  from resurrecting , I am confused, too 

(sorry , no offense to the other  affected members)

@Olive_Oyl wrote:

Personally I don’t see what’s wrong with reassigning another legitimate email to direct rewards to another My Account, as long as it belongs to you. Why would PM way or another, they are your rewards. Who ever does this must really understand the timing of it all....and I don’t! 

There is a very good reason for not being able to do have this feature enabled and until PM can fix it I wouldn't want the feature enabled.  That is for members who have been banned but come in with a new username, they could then change their email address and continue to collect rewards on their account even after being banned.  This is something that PM needs to look into and close any loopholes.


If you are asking yes I know of 2 accounts that are secondary accounts of people who have been banned for continually breaking the Community ToS


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



If that is a confirmed “yes”, that will be interesting. 

It’s always been clear that the “verified” email address on your Community Account must match the login email for your My Account in order to obtain community rewards.  

Personally I don’t see what’s wrong with reassigning another legitimate email to direct rewards to another My Account, as long as it belongs to you. Why would PM way or another, they are your rewards. Who ever does this must really understand the timing of it all....and I don’t! 

@maximum_gato wrote:

I'm confused.....are you saying with the system upgrade that the community account linked to the self serve account will be permanent? Will public mobile be eliminating the ability to redirect the community reward to a different self serve account?

@maximum_gato , hmmm,  I wonder if it will be like My Account where we will need to submit a support ticket to get a CSA to change the email address on all services after this (this would create a lot more support tickets so a lot more work for CSA’s in long run) or maybe they will be changed to 1 sign in for all 3 services! Who knows, the post is a bit cryptic!


I hope you won't lose your Community Rewards if you don't confirm your email after April 27. 

Just change those email  that doesn't say Verified.


@dust2dust wrote:

How about being able to change the My Account email address? And being able to remove the registered credit card? And the abysmal caching fixed. And bring back the chatbot account access functions that were abruptly taken away.

And giving some value to the old $13 plan to justify the price increase all the while you're giving more data for less cost. How about changing it to the 100/100 plan? Just something to show for the extra 3 bucks.


All these things and more would go towards giving "the best online experience".

@dust2dust , yup part of my wish list:


1. Be able to change the My Account email address

2. Be able to remove the registered payment method

3. Combine (1 sign in) My Account & Rewards Account again along with the Community Account while we’re at it (keep Community Username for privacy reasons of course)

4. Repair the caching

5. Bring back the chatbot account access functions

6. While I’m dreaming…. Bring back my Rewards Account! (no I won’t hold my breath on it, just a huge dreamer 😥)


Edit: Some of these things would cut down on a lot of Support Tickets in turn saving Public Mobile money 😉

@hTideGnow wrote:

thanks @J_PM . 


Now I am eager to find out what new things are coming.  Maybe My Rewards and will go back to My Account as one single site??

@hTideGnow , wouldn’t that be nice? It’s on my wish list! Way to many sign ins required! They should all be combined.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi. Good reminder. 


1. If the email showing is correct. Do nothing? Or redo same email?

2. If you change your email address .... still have to do the verification process?

@computergeek541 ,  @hycm53 


Thhanks for the link to the CSA, and the welsome back.  I’ve submitted a message.


From what I can tell, this is really just a notification to get members to verify their email address that is tied to the community account.  Changing the email address for the community account and verifying it are two steps.  This notification is to ensure the verification step is completed successfully.  This would enhance the security of private messages with the CSAs who are working on a particular online account.  It remains to be seen whether matching online and and community email addresses will be needed going forward to process support tickets.  

@stonechucker wrote:

I’ve just returned to the community, and seeing this post, I too am looking to change my ‘My   Account’ email, as the email account no longer exist.


ive attempted multiple times today to use the SiMon chat box, but fails to help me.



I wish to welcome back a fellow Oracle.  I'm unsure if SIMon was in use when you were last here, but I can say that the account verification hasn't worked for me for a couple of years. I can only verifiy my account by using the account PIN option.  As I'm sure you already know the e-mail address setting in Community can be changed by you, but the e-mail address does require a customer support agent (called moderators when you were last here),

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@DennyCrane wrote:

If I already use the same email for Community and My Account, and it says Verified under my profile, am I good? No further action?

As @softech responded my post , then you're good, no further action.

@stonechucker Welcome back!!


You can easily change email used on Community

But to change the email used on My Account, you will have to open ticket with PM support and them to change for you:

1.  Open ticket with Chatbot for faster response (2-48 hours), using direct link:

Start by typing "Forgot Login Information", then click "Contact Us",, then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. if you have problem with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply to you there


I’ve just returned to the community, and seeing this post, I too am looking to change my ‘My   Account’ email, as the email account no longer exist.


ive attempted multiple times today to use the SiMon chat box, but fails to help me.

@hycm53   then no need to change, you are good.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@softech wrote:

@hycm53 it would not affect the password

Community uses your community name to login (hycm53) in your case.  So, the email change on Community won't affect password 

Yes, I got it. My current  community account email is same as my account email, so I don't need change, do I?

Mayor / Maire

If I already use the same email for Community and My Account, and it says Verified under my profile, am I good? No further action?

@hycm53 it would not affect the password

Community uses your community name to login (hycm53) in your case.  So, the email change on Community won't affect password 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@softech wrote:

@hycm53   you just need to change Community account email to match My Account's


Come here:


Then at New Email and Confirm new email, put in the email you are using for My Account, then click Save.



@hycm53   you just need to change Community account email to match My Account's


Come here:


Then at New Email and Confirm new email, put in the email you are using for My Account, then click Save.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@J_PM My community account email is different with my self service account email, how can I do it? I'm confused.

@smp99 wrote:

What about those of us who support many accounts?


@smp99  I think you can always open a different Community accounts


I think one Community id always link to one My Account is a good move.  Afterall, PM expect that for the purpose of ticket with support too (even it is not a requirement)



Thanks @J_PM 


That sounds exciting!!


So, all community accounts are going to need to be validated the link to My Account from now on?  If so, that is good news and going in the right directly!!!  


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

What about those of us who support many accounts?


what happens if you don’t link. Will we not get any support or do you have to go through more hoops


Also, what happens after Apr 27 ?

Mayor / Maire

I'm confused.....are you saying with the system upgrade that the community account linked to the self serve account will be permanent? Will public mobile be eliminating the ability to redirect the community reward to a different self serve account?



Is Public Mobile saying to fill the form out to change the e-mail addresss even if the correct e-mail address is already shown?

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