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welcome message from Koodo

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just signed up with Publicmobile and received welcome message from Koodo. Is that normal?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi I’m a new user trying to transfer my number from Fido to PM.  I received a message from Koodo saying the transfer failed, but the PM app shows activated.  Does anyone know what next steps, if any, I should take?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I had the exact same issue and wondered if something fraudulent was happening. Glad to see here that this is normal, but still strange to see a large company as TELUS mess this up between their smaller companies. In case it helps future new users, my message was as follows:


"Koodo Message: Welcome to Koodo. Your transfer request as been completed successfully. Please restart your phone now for the transfer to take effect. Thanks for being a Koodo customer. Free Koodo msg."

Mayor / Maire


This is the second time I’ve seen this on this Community.

PM is the lower tier of Telus, Koodo is mid-tier and Telus is the top/parent tier.


As long as Public Mobile is shown on your phone…you are OK.

Mayor / Maire
@pikaeh2021, Yes, it's funny but it is normal.

Koodo and PM are both owned by Telus. The system itself sometimes mixed up with its identity and wear the wrong name tag 🙂

Not applicable

public mobile As are all part of Telus family, it can happen. But it's a bit unusual


The welcome message is just a text message. If you have services working fine,

it should be everything alright


Yes is normal

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