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Re: OnePlus 13r Canada MMS not sending

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I followed everything that you mentioned and my MMS is working for pictures. The only issue now is when receiving something from someone it comes in separately instead of coming in normally on the person's message. I send a picture and it sends normal and directly. No separate message 


@Annster  This is one example from the OnePlus community, it's older but thre are several more 

As I said, I would try a different messaging app and see if you still have the same problem.  I really liked Textra when I had an Android phone. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for all your help. You were able to resolve the issue with me not being able to receive or send picture messages at all. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't know much about tech stuff. When you refer to OnePlus stock messaging app, is that the app that automatically comes with the phone? If so then yes that is the App I am using and have always used with any phone I have owned. I'm new to Public mobile. It's been only 2 weeks and a half. So far I have had several issues since being a customer. There hasn't been any new updates yet since being with Public. I was a Virgin Plus customer before changing over. I didn't have to do any changes with any Apps when I was with Virgin Plus or Bell. I put in the SIM card and everything worked. With Public, in order for my Data to work which I figured out on my own before an agent responded. I had to manually input the information of the SIM card and the number. Just a few days ago I noticed that there was issues with picture messaging. No issues with texting anyone.  I'm not happy thus far. I have enjoyed the community support. It has been pretty good. If the RECEIVING picture messaging issue doesn't get resolved then I will put up with for awhile. I will keep my eyes open if and when Virgin Plus comes out with better pricing deals. 

Thank you for reaching out.


Mayor / Maire

@Annster   Are you using the OnePlus stock messaging app?  If you do a Google search there are a number of results suggesting similar problems with that app.  If that's what you're using then try another messaging app, like Textra or Google Messages.  Or even if not using the stock app maybe try another.  Perhaps the problem relates more to a coincidental app/Android update, it doesn't sound like a carrier problem.

@Annster The APN I provided you was correct.  As as said it was only an app issue. 

If you don't like the APN provided, you can Reset Network Settings and it will clear what you set and get back to default

However, I suggest you to keep using the correct APN I provided and simply work on fixing the app.  Try uninstall and reinstall Google Message.  You can try enabling or disabling RCS and see if it makes any difference

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I forgot to add, MMS texting only without pictures sending and receiving has no issues. It comes through normally. Me sending MMS picture, it goes through normally as well. It is only receiving MMS picture that it comes through wrong.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Maybe I am not explaining what the issue is correctly. When I send a picture it sends directly to the person I am sending it to. But when the person responds back to me with their picture, their picture downloads and it comes through as a group message (the sender and me) instead of directly just to me on the same thread as all my messages with that person. There is something that is not correct with all the steps that you mentioned to fix MMS picture messages. 

I have never had any of these problems with my phone with other mobile providers (Bell or Virgin Plus) So I don't know. I might just have to accept that when I receive picture messages, that it is going to come in as a group message instead of just me.

Does any of this make sense? 


so, you are sending and receiving and just not grouped in the Chat mode.   So, it is no longer an APN or PM issue but just a device problem or the message app settings problem

Try uninstall and reinstall your Google Message app (please note you will loss all the previous messages after uninstalling, so backup important messages first) and check the settings.  You might want to enable RCS if your other parties are also Android users (although iOS users are able to send and receive in RCS mode if they have them setup properly on their iPhones)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have attached a screenshot of what I am trying to explain. I sent a picture to Randy and it was sent to him directly. Randy sent a picture back to me and the picture downloaded and sent to me and his name on a separate message. The same with Frank. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I did all that. I deleted all of the previous info. Put in everything that was shown on your previous message exactly step by step. Put the APN in all caps. 

I'm able to SEND MMS messages with pictures with no issues. I receive MMS picture messages but it is not received the same way. 

There must be something that is wrong. Not sure if me having a OnePlus 9 phone instead of a OnePlus 13r is the issue. 



try all cap for APN with the rest of the entries.  Also, don't just update the current one, delete it  and create new and save



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