08-10-2023 01:48 PM
My husband and I have never used our cell phone much so we shared it, with the account in my name. But now I have been diagnosed with a serious illness and we each need to have a phone on hand. So I asked for suggestions that would allow him to keep using our current phone number, and I tried changing my profile for the account to his name and changing the email to his email. Both of those parts worked, BUT now the account is sort of stuck between 2 worlds. He is stuck with my old EverSafe password on the account and I can't open a new account in my name and email because the EverSafe system still recognizes my old email and says it has already been registered to an account, so I can't open an account with that email on it. Any suggestions?
08-10-2023 03:29 PM
Sign into the one of which you want to use the email from again, and update the email to something else on the EverSafe ID.
If the email is attached to an EverSafe ID, it cannot be used on another.
So if you sign into it and 'Change' the email, it will free it allowing you to use it on your current account.
08-10-2023 01:57 PM
@Hopeless If the above suggestions do not work you can submit ticket with support to help
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08-10-2023 01:53 PM
He can change the password on what is now his account.
Have you tried the forgot password link and enter your email to see where it goes and what you can do with it?
Are you using a gmail email address?
08-10-2023 01:52 PM
sorry to hear, hope you feel better soon
the issue you got is just because of browser cache.
If you have been using browser ot login , please launch Incognito mode to login all the time and you won't have this issue. Or you can use a different browser for the different accoun to avoid this, like Chrome for one account and use Safari/Edge for another account
If you are using app, it would be more trouble , you have to clear cache al lthe time, so I would suggest you to use browser to login instead