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transfering old phone number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I need to have the text request resent to Bell to transfer the number


Mayor / Maire

Holy @frig I think you should be able to be fixed up with @Yummy phone number they are sending you.


If still issues for your port methods to contact CSA *Customer Support Agents* are found here:


Remember, when you insert your Public Mobile SIM card to restart the phone with the SIM inside. 


I would also recommend performing a Reset of the device's Network Settings when changing providers.

Mayor / Maire

are you porting to PM from Bell or vice versa?

Mayor / Maire

If you missed the PAT (porting authorization text) SMS from previous carrier, then can call the Telus/PM porting number which I'll send you via private message (check your community inbox) and they will be able to request another authorization SMS to be sent so it's important to keep the old SIM in his phone in order to respond with a Yes to that SMS.

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