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switching plan/subscription mid month and refferal

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Good morning, 

I have been with public for 3 years or so, (I do not know why i had to create a new community profile when i already had one) and I am currently on the 15$ plan and would like to upgrade to the 25$. I have 20$ worth of rebates per month. 

If I change plan upon month renewal will I lose my refferal rebates and it goes to point system or does it stay the same?

Has anyone else done this in the past?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When I changed plans, all of my discounts remained in place. It’s possible that the policy has now changed but that’s how it was when I changed mine less than a year ago. 

Mayor / Maire


you will not lose any previous rewards by changing plans. Just don't never opt for Points...ever !

Mayor / Maire

@Anonymous  .no you will keep your old rewards . There tied to your account not you plan 

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