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need a phone number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have just received a new phone, and joined public mobile and  now Ineed a new phone number. How do I get a phone number?



The website and app is online.
2FA = 2 Factor Authentication code (6 digit) that you get on your phone to confirm that it is you.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks - what does 2FA mean. Does anyone know when the site will be back and running?  What is Eversafe ID. I have two family memebers who have successfully launched their phone through public mobile and they have never heard of it - Thanks

Mayor / Maire

@ikebrookes  Also FYI you can change your phone number 4x every billing cycle , at no extra cost / charge 

Mayor / Maire


Since the self serve account is down for maintenance. Just download the PM app and setup your Eversafe ID.

You can click on Shop Subscription Plans and follow the prompts for a new number when the website is back online.

@ikebrookes wrote:

I have just received a new phone, and joined public mobile and  now Ineed a new phone number. How do I get a phone number?

The Self Serve systems are currently down, so unfortunately, you wont' be able to do this at the moment.  When the Self Serve system is back up and running, your phone number can be changed in the profile section of your account.  Please note that this shouldn't be confused with the EverSafe ID phone number that is only there for 2FA code purposes.

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