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my account hacked?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My account shows calls that I have not made!

How to stop those activities so I don't get billed for calls I don't recognized?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

post us the screenshot, maybe we can tell what numbers are those

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


It you are sure that your phone is hacked, it’s better to rest the phone to factory and remove all appliances.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

They are just regular looking numbers. None of those 4001s the community is reffering to.

Mayor / Maire

First and foremost @kaostream1 , Public Mobile is a PREPAID service. Meaning you pay for services in advance. There are no "Surprise" fees. You only get what you pay for. I am pretty sure the number that's coming up is probably for Public Mobile voicemail. Here's the link to confirm.


Mayor / Maire

Are these numbers all different or all all the same ending with 4001/2?
If later then it is your voicemail where unanswered calls end up.

Mayor / Maire


Are the calls ending in 4001? If it is then you are calling your voicemail box. This is normal.

I wouldn’t worry about it if you have unlimited outgoing calls but if you are on the $15 plan then the call will be deduct from your 100 minutes/month.

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