08-15-2023 03:10 PM - edited 08-15-2023 03:30 PM
i can't receive 6 digit code to confirm my number and account, recent import, i can make calls and receive calls but no short contexts.
Also, i confirmed that I can receive text messages from other phone numbers. But when I get to the signin part that says ‘confirm for full access’ I cannot receive the short code to my phone number, and there is no option for email when I click resend.
whenever I log into the community portal. I always have to get the code sent to voice message because I can’t receive the code over text.
When I log into my account I can’t receive it over voice message because it doesn’t give me that option when I click recent like it does for the community
08-15-2023 06:30 PM
Hey @KaxCat25
Try this.
How to receive 2FA code via Public Mobile Phone app
Download the app via WiFi and sign in using the email you signed up with.
Click on the Didn’t get the code? Before you do though, check the box on This is a trusted device so you never have to be asked for the 2 step again on the phone.
The next window that comes up is this.
You can choose either Send Email which will go to the email you registered with or Send Voice Message meaning it will call your number and ask you to push buttons. Do the email. That will work. But don't forget to check the TRUST THIS DEVICE box so you can avoid the 2FA all the time.
08-15-2023 05:00 PM
You can message customer support through this link
08-15-2023 03:21 PM
HI @KaxCat25
can you really make calls?
many requested poring and unaware the port was not completed. i will message you the phone number to call the porting team. Call them and confirm if porting was done
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