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add ons purchased

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I went in and purchased add ons. I only wanted them for a month so do I have to go in somewhere and delete the add ons, or are add ons added by me manually each month?


@rsjones0815 wrote:

Ok I see. So they don't get charged and charged and charged each month? I'm on autopay. but if I wanted those add ons again, I have to go in and add them/ pay for them again.

@rsjones0815 Correct.

Yes, they would have to be purchased each time.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok I see. So they don't get charged and charged and charged each month? I'm on autopay. but if I wanted those add ons again, I have to go in and add them/ pay for them again.

Mayor / Maire

@rsjones0815 wrote:

I went in and purchased add ons. I only wanted them for a month so do I have to go in somewhere and delete the add ons, or are add ons added by me manually each month?

@rsjones0815   Once you purchase an add-on, they stay on your account until completely depleted and only get used once you've used up all your plan features (mins/data).  No need to do anything further until you need to purchase them again.

Mayor / Maire

@rsjones0815 wrote:

I went in and purchased add ons. I only wanted them for a month so do I have to go in somewhere and delete the add ons, or are add ons added by me manually each month?

@rsjones0815 Add ons purchased are a one time event. They will not renew. Other than the USA add ons, all add ons stay on your account until all used up. They are only tapped after minutes and data on your plan run out.

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