I went in and purchased add ons. I only wanted them for a month so do I have to go in somewhere and delete the add ons, or are add ons added by me manually each month?
Hi there. I went through all steps for new activation online. Completed all screens, got to activate, clicked activate and it's been spinning for almost 2 hours. Says not to click back or refresh, but really?
Ok I see. So they don't get charged and charged and charged each month? I'm on autopay. but if I wanted those add ons again, I have to go in and add them/ pay for them again.
That laptop sure didn't work for me. I tried incognito too. Used my pc at work today and it went through. Just have to wait for the old phone number to transfer to new phone now. Fingers crossed.
Sim in. No network. Hit refresh got 404 timeout error on laptop. Did process again and it took the Sim number so I know it for sure didn't work last time, otherwise I would have gotten a Sim # error. Did all again and just spinning again.