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Youtube kids app problem

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am new join Public Mobile, Everything OK but Have youtube kids App problem.

When Open youtube kids apps . can't open it

"youtube kids isn't available in your region right now "

previous Chatr have the same problem . when I change APN , everything OK .

but Public can't solve ...can someone help?



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

We do use family link, and it's a supervised account. It's not a permissions issue for us though - if the phone connects to a hotspot from a different carrier, or to home wifi (or really, anything other than Public Mobile), so that the data comes from Ontario, then it works fine. If the phone is using wireless data as part of the phone plan, then for whatever reason, the data gets sent out to Quebec before going to the broader internet, and Google blocks supervised / youtube kids traffic from Quebec.

Similarly, if I connect to a VPN that routes traffic through Ontario, no problem. Restaurant wifi, no problem. Just Public Mobile routing data through Quebec causing the problem.

Thanks for trying to help. It seems like the only option is to switch away from Public Mobile. I just wish they would make it easier to know this before you sign up. A large disclaimer saying "our data plans route traffic through Quebec and are not children friendly"


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Do you use Google Family Link?

I was having this issue all of a sudden. It seems after a recent update. I use Google's Family Link to monitor my children's accounts.

To fix the issue, I went into the YouTube app and selected my parent account that I used to set up the Family Link.

In my account, I went to Settings > Parent Settings, then I selected my child's account.  You'll see your child's name with their email address and Supervised account next to their email.  This is the account you want to select.

After you should get a prompt about allowing access to YouTube Kids or YouTube.

When I selected YouTube Kids, I was able to access the app on my phone.

Hope this helps.

HI @BrandonS- 

i don't think this can be changed.  Telus only use Quebec IP for maritime provinces all traffics from eastern provinces go through Quebec 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Man1883 Did you ever get an update or fix for this? It's happening to me as well. The IP that the data goes through resolves to Quebec blocking youtube kids. 

I don't think it's reasonable to have to use a VPN service all the time for this situation.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

APN Setting not help , may be quebec ip problem . some area OK , some not, anyway use VPN can solve the problem .

Thanks for help.

Mayor / Maire

Google Support article says the app is available in Canada except for Quebec.  Someone posted here the other day that although they are not in Quebec, their IP address shows as Quebec.  Apparently the Telus/PM servers for the eastern area/s are in Quebec.  Perhaps this is why?

Mayor / Maire

Might be worth going back to chatr 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Man1883 Hmmmm. Try reseting your network settings OR try update the app to the latest the device can support, if not, contact CS_Agent below:

⬇️ Click the link for an Agent * ⬇️

If the link above doesn’t work, please go here to create a ticket to CS_Agent:

* - CS_Agent will typically get back to you within 48 hours.  You will be required to login to your Public Mobile Community Account to contact CS_Agent. Once you are finished making the ticket with CS_Agent, please ensure that you monitor for an agent because they may notify you asking for some information via Private Message, in your mailbox by clicking this link here: Messages 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My current APN Setting , Same New settings.

but can't open youtube  kids app.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Man1883 - Try these settings:

Old settings for Public Mobile APN:

MMSC proxy:

MMS port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
APN Type: default,supl,mms


New Settings for Public Mobile APN:

MMSC proxy:

MMS port: 8799
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
APN Type: default,supl,mms

If it doesn't seem to work, try a VPN (Ex: Proton VPN.) That may solve your issues.

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