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When does reoccurring billing start?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Just wondering when you signup and ask for the sim to be mailed out, does the reoccurring monthly billing begin when you registered your account or when you activate your sim within the public mobile app?


@RaoulFisk  Yes but make sure you do it a day or two before your old provider plan ends . Both accounts need to be active if you want to port number into PM and make sure you use the APP to activate and not website . And welcome to public mobile 😉

and once you successfully port number in to PM it will automatically close your old provider account @RaoulFisk 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Great! So I signed up for a Boxing Day deal.
If I don't activate my SIM card, I can wait to start it once my old plan ends (later in month), right?

hi @AnotherMember if you activated and waiting for the physical sim to deliver, the cycle won't start until you sim is activated (after you receive the sim and enter the sim number in the system)


once you get your PM sim, you'll have to activate an account. You'll be asked to provide a credit card or debit card for payment. Your account will then default to Subscribed (Autopay) unless you disable Subscribed, it'll renew in 30 days from activation of the account.

Mayor / Maire


It will start when you activate the SIM. Please note that PM is on a 30 days cycle (not monthly cycle) so it shorten by a day every 2 months.

Mayor / Maire

@AnotherMember  Starts as soon as you activate your sim and renews every 30 days or 90 days depending on the plan you choose 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

ok, this has nothing to do with the sim being active or inactive?

Mayor / Maire


once you activate your new PM'll renew in 30 days.

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