07-26-2022 05:22 PM
When I dial for voicemail, I get "Error performing request- Unknown error". No dial tone, just silence.
07-26-2022 05:37 PM
07-26-2022 05:31 PM
Try it again.
1. Dial 1 on your PM phone - This will you your PM plan minutes.
2. Use another phone to call your PM phone number. Don't use any PM plan minutes
07-26-2022 05:31 PM
Have you set-up your VM? Are you able to make other call?
07-26-2022 05:24 PM
rebooting device , or tried call your phone number from same device.
07-26-2022 05:24 PM
@farahman try a phone reboot first
if fails, try to call you number from a land line and see if it goes to VM