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Update my email.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why can't Customer service update my email?

I've been left without access to my account for months because the email on it I no longer have access to. 

I've talked to agent and verified everything two weeks ago they said it's updated to my new email but it's not. 

They closed my ticket even though the email wasn't update and now they waste my time more asking everything all over again why not do it correctly the first time.

How hard is it to change a darn email address. 

Where can I call to ger real customer service and update my account email since the agents say they do but actually don't.


Mayor / Maire

Am I missing something here? The registered email address is just a login id. Are your services working? Type in the email address and your password and then get the 2fa text and complete that and you should be in. Is that not working for you? Then as mentioned you can change it yourself.

Mayor / Maire

@Brian73   What exactly happens if you try to log in with your old email address?

HI @Brian73 

customer support said they updated it?  did you try using Incognito/Private/Secret mode on your browser to login?  Sometimes it is just a cache problem blocking it

But if same, message them again and ask them to escalate.  I heard you that some agents are not helpful, but the senior ones are good.  Ask them to escalate

Mayor / Maire


CONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT and request a senior customer support agent. (not elderly, experienced!).

 They should provide you this option.

The thing about this is that once you regain access to your self-serve account, you can change your own email address on a go forward basis in your profile section.

To contact a Customer Support Agent, send a private message to the Customer Support Agents by clicking here 

You’ll need to be logged into your Community account for the link to work.

Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Where can I find real customer support since they don't actually do anything on those messages.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've messaged them plenty of times and they seem to barley understand English when I ask for something simple to be done like have my email updates

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


I understand your frustrations and would feel similarly in your shoes. Tagging customer service here won’t often get a response, it’s best to message them again. Explain the situation and ask for the issue to be escalated and that you need to find a solution or that you’ll unfortunately have to switch providers. Hopefully you’ll be connected to someone that will care and want to ensure you walk away with the issue solved and as a happy customer. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm going to have to go to another provider that can actually give me access to my account @CS_Agent please do something

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Every agent asks for all my info and account details everytime which wastes so much time then they say it's updated but it never works

Why can't they do it proper

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


I am very sorry that this has been your experience so far but unfortuantely the online customer service you are dealing with is the only one available. There is no person to call for support with Public Mobile, only the customer service through the ticket system or the community mailbox. I’d advise continuing to work with customer service but request to have this issue escalated. Hopefully you’ll get someone willing to go the extra mile and make sure that this is solved for you. 

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