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US data add-on

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I used up my 10 day add on in 3 days, and I want to buy another add on. The one I used up still shown as my current one so I can’t purchase the same add on now. Any idea what shall I do? Thanks!


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Luddite wrote:

@Jessica_T wrote:

With moderator intervention is it possible? Or has it been designed this way to force us to spend more on a higher priced $/MB package?

Yes, the moderators can reset your add-ons. First, make a payment equal to the cost of the add-on (it will show in Available Funds). Then click this: message to moderators to send a private message to the moderator team with your request. Worst case, allow 3 days for them to respond.

Doubt it was "designed" this way. More likely a limitation of the software PM chose, and elected not to rewrite.



@GraceVSo yes, you can purchase another 1GB add-on if you contact the moderator team but will take time for the to respond and confirm your identity.

@Jessica_T wrote:

With moderator intervention is it possible? Or has it been designed this way to force us to spend more on a higher priced $/MB package?

Yes, the moderators can reset your add-ons. First, make a payment equal to the cost of the add-on (it will show in Available Funds). Then click this: message to moderators to send a private message to the moderator team with your request. Worst case, allow 3 days for them to respond.

Doubt it was "designed" this way. More likely a limitation of the software PM chose, and elected not to rewrite.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Luddite wrote:

@GraceV wrote:

Thank you! Yes , there are other ones I can buy… but is there no way i can buy another 1G add on?

Not until 11 days after first purchase. The system will not allow dupliucate purchases of US Roaming add-ons. Robot Sad

@LudditeWith moderator intervention is it possible? Or has it been designed this way to force us to spend more on a higher priced $/MB package?

@GraceV wrote:

Thank you! Yes , there are other ones I can buy… but is there no way i can buy another 1G add on?

Not until 11 days after first purchase. The system will not allow dupliucate purchases of US Roaming add-ons. Robot Sad

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

If you want, you can get another US 1GB data Add-on. Just repeat the same process as the first purchase and you're good to go.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you! Yes , there are other ones I can buy… but is there no way i can buy another 1G add on?

Mayor / Maire

You're talking about the data running out, right?  If yes, then you can purchase the other US Data-Roaming add-ons separately, as they will work while the combo.  There are a few different add-ons with data available, so pick one you'haven't used yet.

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