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Trying to change address and its greyed out wont let moe change it

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi im trying to change my address but it wont let me change anything is just greyed out every time





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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

tried both and neither working

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

just tried again to add a new credit card and oops something went wrong


Have you been doing this on the app or a non-mobile browser? Wait the hour as mentioned and try again. You can only try twice per hour.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Correct, I hadnt updated my address which is the same Postal code just different house.
I have a new credit card, two actually have tried both and it gives me the same error.

Oops! Something went wrong, please try again later.


I just want to change my plan and pay my bill so i can use my phone.


you have a new address with this new card?

usually PM do not check address with credit card.  However, post from other suggested it might have changed , but we are not entirely sure.

You can wait a full hour first and try to just make a credit card update see if it works



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i havent payed my bill because i have a new card and its not working

The credit card entry screen only needs the billing address postal code. Is your account active?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I still cant change the address (its greyed out, wont let me click on anything),

I have a new credit card that i tried updating the information too however it wont work because my address has changed which is now obviously linked to the card....



I just tried and is working for me.

Maybe try again using browser with Incognito mode.  Goto Profile page, clicked the pencil besides Account name, or use this direct link

Start with street number and street name, then wait and let auto lookup gives you all the choices and pick the correct one and click Save


Mayor / Maire

First of all that address doesn't really matter for anything. Secondly, are your services working? Is the account in suspension?

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