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Travel to USA

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to accrue any extra fees or charges while traveling to Florida next week. I am already paying for free roaming in Canada and USA for call, text and data with my current subscription, right?




HI @Maribel19 

yes, you wiil be using PM's roaming partners T-Mobile or AT&T.

Your phone might not automatically changed it, so you might need to connect manually, try both and stay with the one gives you the best connection

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So once I arrive to Florida, my phone will change to a different network it sounds like.

@Maribel19  You can test for voLTE yourself set phone to LTE and make sure wifi is turned off . Now make a call does the phone stay on LTE or drop to 3G ? If it drops you haven’t t got voLTE and you will have to use 2G T mobile for voice in the U.S. . If it stays on LTE you have voLTE enabled and phone set to 4G/LTE and just connect to T mobile or AT&T and you will be all good 👍🏻 

Mayor / Maire

HI @Maribel19 

yes, you are all set if you have a Canada-US plan.  Make sure you connect to either AT&T or T-Mobile, you might need to manually connect

and make sure Mobile Data roaming is enabled on the phone

Best to connect on 4G instead of 5G.  So, make change to your Network mode and not use Automatic but choose 4G or LTE

for voice, will see how it goes, either VoLTE will work or you need T-Mobile 2G network

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do I check this? My subscription says: 50GB within USA and Canada 

@fixin wrote:

@Maribel19 - If you have a Canada - US Plan you don't occur any roaming charges, but if you don't have a Canada - US plan, you will need to get a Roaming Add-On for 15days. You will always receive calls even if you aren't on a Roaming Plan or Add-on. No roaming charges for Pay-Per-Use.

with all due respect ..this isn't the case. While in US, you'll receive text messages even w/o the add-on...just can't send texts. You'll not receive any calls in US unless you have add-on or Canada / US plan.

Won't get calls @fixin 

You will get SMS texts, however, without a US roaming addon or plan.  You won't be able to reply to the text, nor call in or out, nor use data.

Mayor / Maire

@Maribel19  PM is prepaid and no surprise bills ever you can only use what you have paid for so no worries . Just remember when in the US you turn data roaming on in phone settings and set phone to 4G/LTE and connect to T mobile or AT&T . If you have any issues with voice try phone on 2G and connect to T mobile . Do you know if your phone  /account has voLTE ?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Maribel19 - If you have a Canada - US Plan you don't occur any roaming charges, but if you don't have a Canada - US plan, you will need to get a Roaming Add-On for 15days. You will always receive Texts (EDIT: Sorry, I said 'Calls' instead of 'Texts' @HALIMACS ) even if you aren't on a Roaming Plan or Add-on. No roaming charges for Pay-Per-Use.

Mayor / Maire


you are correct. In preparation, please make sure to enabled Roaming Data in settings. Also, confirm if your cellphone has volte enabled by PM.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yes, there's no extra fees with Public Mobile as it's a pre-paid service. If you haven't paid for a service; such as US roaming you just won't have it; that's all. 🙂

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