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This is backwards! I am confused

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

On my mobile, I have no problems logging into my account using the app. But as soon as I try to access the community, it asks me for authentication credentials. WTH! What's worse, this is the third time today that I checked the Trusted Device option but the **bleep** thing keeps asking for an OTP the next time I try to access the page😡 Who is creating these apps?!!

I don't understand the logic of it.  Makes no sense at all. If anything, my account should be the one which asks for a most secure login, not the community board!! Be that as it may, it should not be asking me for a second login after I have already successfully arrived at the account login page, and that too, after I have asked it to trust my device! Where is the rationale here? What am I missing???


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

ID10T alert!!!!!
Being the idiot I can be, I kept maligning Public Mobile when the problem was between the chair and the keyboard!

I found out why the first login on the computer failed and the subsequent attempt using the password manager worked! The one stored in the Brave browser was wrong.  There are two password systems!  I failed IT 101!  LOL. I normally am up on these things but lately, there have been too many distractions. It's all good now!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it! I wish there was a face ID system on the computer.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

"Did you try using computer to log in? I seldom get asked for confirmation code. Like once in a blue moon..."

Well, when I use the PC or laptop, the very first time it ALWAYS says that the ID and password don't match! Seconds later, when I enter the SAME credentials, it proceeds to send me an OTP! This is more puzzling than ever!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah, I just now updated it.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

LOL..logging into the PC was easier before. I cannot recall now as I have been using the app for a while. I will try it later and let you know 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

" Access to the community is completely outside of the app at least for android at the moment."

Wow, in the volume of information, I missed this.

Thank you to all who kindly responded.

Mayor / Maire

Did you try using computer to log in? I seldom get asked for confirmation code. Like once in a blue moon...

If you are using phone's app most likely some 'security options' to 'help you' delete/remove something and PM thinks you were never logged in before.

@JimRockford_PI  Yes great suggestion , mine somewhat uses Face ID to auto fill my email and pass . Then of course tap log in 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Okay, now it is better as it logs me into the community and my messages without an OTP, but I still have to login at this second stage, though it logs me straight into the account initially. I can live with that as Bitwarden takes care of the logging in part. No OTP is good news. But Trusted device is something they need to work on. Maybe, implement fingerprint reader login as my banks and credit cards do.

@JimRockford_PI  I always seem to have to get code when using the app also know it’s got to keep app updated which I need to do now just checked 

Add won’t let me show screen shot from App Store 


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I understand. It is better than it used to be. I hand it to PM for that.

No cookies are fine with no duration.

Mayor / Maire

While logins go through eversafe, they are still kind of different sites. You can log in to one and still might need to log in to the other. These all end up on different paths after starting through eversafe.

@JimRockford_PI  yes ,Fingers crossed 🤞 


@JimRockford_PI , the apps seems to work in progress from what I can tell.  Certain functionality is actually leveraging the default browser.  Access to the community is completely outside of the app at least for android at the moment.  The trusted devices option does not stick, perhaps the cookies are set with very short expiries.  I am sure Public Mobile is working hard to improve the app.  You have to respect how far the service has come in such a short time.  For the longest time, an app was vaporware, now we have one.  The sister brand still does not have one.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I think you may have steered me in the right direction. 👍I just now turned off the shield for PM. Let me see what happens. Thanks. 

But I am using the app. I gather the community is not from within the app? Meaning is it redirecting me to the browser to access the community?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Aha. Great question. I use Brave. Safari is for iPhones. I have an Android I have removed Chrome, as well as it is very intrusive 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have never signed out of either account or community. I simply close down the page.

Mayor / Maire

@JimRockford_PI  What browser do you use if you use safari , when you tap trusted device it should not ask you for the 2FA code again . 

Mayor / Maire


What  I tend to do with the community login is not sign out and simply close down the page and the next time I access it, the page reopens from where I left off and there is no sign in protocol required.


Mayor / Maire


there is little rationale with the bugs of the new eversafe and authentication protocols

I ran into the same situation, and it varies, depending on mobile android versus mobile iPhone versus desktop /laptop

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