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Subscription pause and renewal

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


If I unsubscribe my account in order to pause it for 2 months, will it automatically subscribe me back to my old plan when I re subscribe, and will I retain my previous bonuses, rewards, etc? Thanks Rob


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Or just hit lost phone if you go over your new all day you will have to make a payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've always reported mine lost. Gives you the same options and you can start back up . As somebody else mentioned wait till renewal bait if you're downsizing or even if you're upsizing because you pay the new price I don't believe you pay the difference . I used to be able to check my voicemail and actually see the numbers of incoming and outgoing text but that changed too now I can just see calls and not all

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the clarification. 

So to recap, it is the non-payment that puts account into suspension and payment (within 90 days) that reactivates it from the date of payment.

@jimbobs2023 wrote:

I was going to ask a similar question but about the timing of suspension.  I won't need my service for about 6 weeks.  When I toggle off Subscribed, does my service become inactive immediately or at the renewal date. And, at the other end, when I toggle on Subscribed, does my service reactivate immediately?

The option is poorly named and leads to many questions and also leads to customers incorreclty believing that this instantly shuts the service off.  Disabling autopay does not disable the your plan.  That option is only for the "subsciption" to autopay. It only disables automatic plan payment/renewal (although a plan will still renew if there are enough availiable funds in your Public Mobile account on renewal day).  Disabling autopay actually nothing to your current service.  

As to  your question about re-enabling autopay, that does not automatically make your service resume.  Whenever a payment is missed, the payment to get the plan going again needs to be done manually.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was going to ask a similar question but about the timing of suspension.  I won't need my service for about 6 weeks.  When I toggle off Subscribed, does my service become inactive immediately or at the renewal date. And, at the other end, when I toggle on Subscribed, does my service reactivate immediately?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Many thanks for your help! Rob 

Mayor / Maire

hi @robm54 

pausing the plan, suspending the account, don't affect your plan. So, you can suspend the account for up to 90 days and when you come back and resume the service, you will be resuming the same plan

to suspend the account, just login My Account, Payment, Manage Subscription and toggle off Subscribed  (that will turn off Autopay)

When you are ready to come back, just go back to the same page and turn on Subscribed and then make a manual payment.

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