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Subscription didn’t change

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


My subscription was supposed to charge on my renewal date “ yesterday Feb 27”  to the $34 us/Canada plan but I noticed today it still went through with my current subscription. 



Mayor / Maire

That plan only just became available to existing customers for plan changes yesterday (Feb 27). Before that the only way to get it would have been via exception from @CS_Agent, and only via immiate plan change. If your renewal date is the 27th, it's likely it's scheduled for your March cycle.

If you login to your account and look under Subscriptions & Add-on's, do you see a scheduled change there with a date?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for the feedback, yes I had it set to change on my renewal date, unfortunately I made the change on my laptop and I never take screenshots with that. I’m sure they will take care of the error, there’s hot to be a record on the back end. I definitely don’t want to waste a month as I’m only one day into my current plan, but I leave for the USA on Monday so I might have too if it’s not corrected. 


did you set the plan to change yourself through a postdated plan change or did you ask the customer support agents to do it for you?

hopefully, if you set it up to occur yourself, you took screenshots of the change.

Nonetheless, it’s likely the customer support agents may  accommodate this request if you present it in a reasonable & polite  way.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the prompt reply, unfortunately I’ve tried what you said and it’s still showing my old plan. 


@Jarrettmunn could be just browser cache problem, please login My Account using Incognito mode again and check both the plan details and payment History to confirm

if same, please open ticket with support by direct message here:       

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply to you there

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