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Subscription Change

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Considering changing my current $25/month plan.

1024 MB@ 3G Speed, 30 day plan, Unlimited Canada-wide talk, Unlimited international text.

to the Public Mobile current promo $19/month plan.


Seems like an easy decision, my understanding I will retain all my bonus & promo offers, However i am wondering about my current new points in the points plan will they also carry over?




@BKNS27 wrote:


That is strange because I got the same answer from 2 different CS_Agent (Lucian and Denise).

Now I am getting two conflicting answers.

Could you please confirm with senior Agent for me?

This isn't something that I need to take additional steps to confirm. They're both mistaken.


That is strange because I got the same answer from 2 different CS_Agent (Lucian and Denise).

Now I am getting two conflicting answers.

Could you please confirm with senior Agent for me and the agent to dm me back?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I definitely recommend changing the plan. You won't lose anything and you get 4G speed for $6 less.

@BKNS27 wrote:

So if you have More is Merrier bonuses…you will lose them!

There is zero truth to this part.  Please disregard the incorrect information provided by the CSA.

Mayor / Maire


I was in communications with a CS_Agent and they indicated if you downgrade your plan. You will lose the bonus data for switching to the Points Reward PLUS you will lose your More is Merrier data and LD calling!

So if you have More is Merrier bonuses…you will lose them!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Remember to select “Change on Renewal” so as to not waste whatever is left of your current 30-day plan.

Mayor / Maire

@MVank The only thing you will lose is the bonus offer that were recently given for being switched over to the points system. I believe it was 30 gigabyte.

Mayor / Maire

hi @MVank 

your current points already on your My rewards will be there

and yes, this is a good replacement plan if you are on $25 plan, you now almost pay the same as before, before the rewards system change


@MVank , if you make the plan change, there's no change to anything else.  As for the rewards system, we are all going to be on the points system if not already.  It's a no brainer, set the plan change for the next renewal and save $6.

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