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Still being charged, after switcing to Bell

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, hope you are doing well.

My problem is tgat I am still being charged by Public Mobile, even though I have switched to Bell and transferred my number there.

I would love to stop preauthorized payment from my card and get a full refund for the amount I paid after I stopped using PM services.



Mayor / Maire

If your number successfully ported to the new carrier this shouldn't be possible. And if you can longer access your PM online account (you shouldn't be able to), then there's more confirmation your account is closed. I'd be very surprised if those two things are true and you're still being charged for that line, but you'll want to send a private message to @CS_Agent directly for help.

You sure you're not paying for a different account for someone else?

It absolutely should never happen. But we see it here too often. I suggest to people when they ask about leaving to keep an eye out on the card just in case. It became more of a problem when the company decided to disallow self-removal of the credit card. As one should, remove payment methods when intending to no longer be a customer anywhere. For anything. You just should.

I was also asking about Telus or Koodo. To do any chargebacks could affect your business with those brands.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I do nit have any other service from PM.

Fair enough. I do agree that it is partly my responsability, however I was not expecting that something like this could happen after transferring my number. Anyway, hope it will be successfully resolved.

Thanks for response!

Customer Support Agent

Hello, and thanks for using our community forum to search for help.

We hope that you received the help that you were asking for, if no, no worries, we kindly recommend keeping and eye on your community imbox, in case one of our customer services representatives has already reply to your private message.

Have a great day.

Public Mobile Team.


Do you have any other business with Telus or Koodo or Public that that credit card is paying for? Or do you intend to in the next while or two?
If not then I would tell the bank to do a chargeback. Just these transactions. The company needs to be taught their lesson. This happens too often around here.
Try support first but the bank or support might not be able to do much for 7 months back. You really should have been on top of charges on your card and noticed this long ago. You own some of this responsibility. But certainly the company should NOT be continuing to charge ex-customers.

@AyazS wrote:

I am realising just now, that I have been charged monthly (7 month) after transferring my number

HI @AyazS 

that would be way too long, again, agent should be able to help


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am realising just now, that I have been charged monthly (7 month) after transferring my number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for a quick response. I do not have an access to my account since I have transferred my number.

@Harkirat-13 wrote:


Remove your credit card info from your public mobile account!


HI @Harkirat-13  if OP's account port, the account would have been closed and OP won't be able to login.  Also, we cannot remove CC info ourselves

So, OP has to work with CS agent in this case


that's good advise, but once a customer ports their number out, their account is deactivated. Can't access their account to do anything.

Mayor / Maire

The account should be stopped when you change provider. I suggest a private message to a PM agent.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Remove your credit card info from your public mobile account!


Mayor / Maire


you need to send a message to CSA and tell 'em you left but still getting charged.

Mayor / Maire

HI @AyazS 

sorry this happened, it shouldn't 

Please submit a ticket with PM CS agent and they will arrange refund

Mayor / Maire

How long ago did you transfer? When did the payment come out?

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