10:48 PM
- last edited on
09:50 AM
My most recent payment was successful yesterday.
Today my service stopped working. Incoming calls go straight to voicemeail, outgoing calls give me a message to call *611 for help.
I am now locked out of my account, despite using the correct password and submitting a ticket by verification of pin was not accepted. I attempted to submit by verifying my identity, but when I click submit, the page just hangs with a now inactive submit button.
It appears I have no way of resolving this or getting help. Very frustrated as I missed several important phone calls today.
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-02-2022 02:03 AM
@softech : Absolutely. This issue: thank you all for bringing this customer to our attention. We have made them whole and removed all conditions put on them due to this error by the next day after you informing us of it. (please!)
The referral code guy issue: Thank you all for bringing this to our attention. We have taken action and they won't be using that username again. (I don't know any of this. Maybe he's sitting on a beach in Maui)
The confusing Public Points messaging: Thank you all for your feedback on this. We did mess that up and for those that felt confused to feeling tricked into opting in, we have returned them to the original system as each have requested. (please!)
Not as an update to an announcement thread OP. That does nothing until somebody stumbles across it. And nor does it bump the thread up. No. Either a new announcement or a post in it so that all the regulars paying attention will see it. Or a post directing attention to the OP update.
For this issue...it's about the money. Businesses should not be futzing with customer money. That's the contract. Here's my money, business. You provide me the service. You. I'm not paying some other business. My business is with you.
02-02-2022 01:42 AM
the worst part here is while Jade might bravo a post to acknowledge , or sometimes she might even reply saying she will check, there is no update on the issue. I am not talking about one off cases but for bigger issue like this one (customers reversed Koodo charges and caused service disruption).
I think some body should come forward and give an update like whether it will be fixed, whether they will take easier arrangement with customers if this happens again to others. There is absolutely zero communication with any system issues,glitches at all... And similarly, our complaints are generally acknowledged but no follow up or actions
02-02-2022 01:31 AM
@jenthefish sorry, when I replied earlier, you haven't finished typing everything and I thought you have the service back and just worry about the upcoming renewal.
I hope Jade will message you directly or maybe you can direct message her and hope to resolve the issue sooner.
For now, if you want to keep the service going get payments voucher from retails which won't cost you extra.
02-02-2022 01:16 AM
What?!! I am astounded that you are still being given the run around by customer support. This is not how they handled all the other customers that have gone thru this situation. I also do not understand why @J_PM has not intervened on your behalf but I suggest you send her a private message detailing the atrocious customer service you have recieved so far as it is truly unacceptable and to deny you access to your account is unbelievable. I will also remind you that your welcome email contains your account number if that helps you proceed with your CCTS complaint.
Thank you for keeping us updated and I hope that you can get an appropriate response from Jade_S to settle this debacle.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-02-2022 12:00 AM
@jenthefish You have service now?
Did you login My Account? If your account just saying status Expired and your service is working, then it could still be ok.
Account expired just meant it is going via Renewal process. Laster tonight, PM will charge your credit card , if you have enabled Autopay, to complete the renewal.
So, if you are seeing Account Expired, you know your have Autopay enabled, then no worry.
02-01-2022 11:56 PM - edited 02-02-2022 12:10 AM
Thank you all for your replies.
As if things couldn't get worse...
today I received a text saying that my account is due tomorrow and there are not enough funds available (last time I was able to access my account I had set up auto pay, which was charged successfully just prior to having my service cut off, as per the discussion above.)
I informed customer service about the fact that I still do not have access to my self serve account and received this reply:
"Hey there! I've checked with my support team and unfortunately for the next 12 renewal periods you will not be able to use your self serve account and you will only be able to use 35$ vouchers to renew your 35$ plan!"
In other words, now I would have to manually recharge my account, paying additional service fees to do so every month. I cannot believe what a hassle this would be.
I was also supposed to have been credited $50 from the original complaint, but I'm guessing this never happpend since I've received a notification that I don't have enough funds in my account, even though I'm on a $35 plan.
I have again asked the company to escalate this; once I finally get confirmation of my account number I will be filing a complaint.
01-20-2022 03:00 AM
@darlicious : Wow. So Rogers does it with Fido and maybe Chatr. I just think it's fraudulent. It shouldn't be allowed. There oughta be a law.
Orrrrrr the company should be showing it abundantly clear with some kind of bold coloured notice waiting for an OK click that the charge will be from Koodo. (or Rogers as the case may be).
How is it reasonable to not? The customer is doing business with the one business. How would anybody guess that a charge appearing on the card that is from some other business, is for the business they're doing business with? It's preposterous. It's fraud.
01-20-2022 02:30 AM - edited 01-20-2022 03:39 AM
Are you kidding me? My blood pressure went thru the roof reading Alexander's response to you! For a new employee Alexander has a lot to learn about customer service so much that in my opinion he should consider other career options. From a customer standpoint your treatment has been completely unacceptable. The mere fact that you calmly jumped through all the hoops despite this being 100% public mobile's fault that you have not even been given your account access back is outrageous.
As soon as you paid for outstanding plan amount from the chargeback your services should have been fully restored including full self serve account access along with a sincere personal apology from management and Alexander should be bending over backward trying to make this right for you along with a generous account credit.
Having worked in customer service my entire life I am completely gobsmacked at the treatment you have recieved. I have a tendency to give a business the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to right their wrongs and make it up to the customer but I'm having a hard time accepting the horror show this CSA has put you through and you have every right as this point to do everything you think is justifiable to ensure public mobile is held accountable for their completely inadequate business decisions to not get in top of these misleading merchant account charges.
They would be lucky if it is only the CCTS they have to answer to and not a larger review from the credit card issuers association as to why they have allowed this to continue for so long.....this is not a recent glitch but one that has occurred for several years showing up for a couple of months and seemingly been rectified. This most recent occurrence has affected almost entirely new customers without the experience and knowledge of being a customer for many months and years and knowing to question the community first before acting on what appears to be fraudulent charges from a compromised card.....extremely commonplace in our digital online world. Without a customer service line to call and immediately question any suspicious charges you and others did the very best next thing.....you called your credit card company.
I had the very same thing happen to me when I paid my roommates fido bill with my credit card to help him out and a few days later on payday he paid me back but when I saw a Rogers charge on my bill a month later with an unrecognizable account # associated to it I jumped on the horn to report to the fraudulent charges and my next call was to my credit card issuer to cancel my card and report the charge. It was only once they gave me the phone number of the account that I realized it was my roommates account but I gave them a piece of my mind for the way they didnt indicate it was a fido account.
If Jade_S doesn't personally intervene and get in touch by the end of business tomorrow with a plethora of apologies and compensation I would have at it.....and you can find your account # embedded in the "Sent to" portion of your welcome email from public mobile. All the power to you with whatever decision you choose to resolve this awful situation.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
01-20-2022 01:25 AM
@jenthefish : Holy crap! This... I don't know what to say... @J_PM , @Melinda_H : this goes beyond the pale. Are your agents actually being trained to insult and question customers on the proper valid financial defense decisions they make? Your company is charging customers under a different banner. It absolutely does NOT matter that they're under an umbrella company. No one would go into a Helly Hansen store and see some other outfit called Canadian Tire on their credit card bill. No one. This is no different.
Then to insult and demean the customer and question their awareness of their providers corporate structure is simply unacceptable.
These hoops are totally insulting to good paying customers due to NOT being their fault. Why aren't you stepping in to expedite the reactivation? Why are you leaving this awful situation to ill-trained, ill-mannered agents? Why are you totally silent in here where your customers are being told to go to seek help? We're up to 7 customers that we know of. Yeah yeah sure a company will go pish posh 7 customers who cares. They do. From no fault of their own.
@jenthefish : If you still have your welcome email from when you signed up then the account # is embedded in the To:. You might need to view source or headers to see it.
01-20-2022 12:58 AM
@jenthefish i think you should reply thre message. Clearly xpress your frustration and ask for escalation and ask for a possible compensation. I agree that not everyone needs to understand PM business structure before joining. Also, you are not alone, at least 6 or 7 reported with the same issue. It is definitely an issue with PM and your should not be blamed
01-20-2022 12:51 AM
Thank you all for the replies.
To give an update, my service was eventually reinstated after I purchased the recharge voucher.
When I explained the situation yet again to the escalation department, the communcation I received from the CSA agent, Alexander, was in my opinion confrontational and condescending:
"I find the fact you did not know that Public Mobile is along Koodo under Telus umbrella, very very hard to believe, I am sorry."
Essentially, I felt the blame was being placed back on me. They did agree to credit me $50, but never took any responsibility or offered any apology for the inconvenience and misleading credit card charge under "koodo".
Furthermore, my account is still deactivated, and when I asked for assistance to get back into my self serve account the only response I received was this:
"Regarding the self-serve access, I`m afraid the account access will not be resumed soon because of the chargeback policies."
That was 2 weeks ago, and I still do not have access to my account.
I am planning on filing a complaint with CCTS, with the hope that something might be done about the inadequate customer service and communication. However, in order to do this I need my account number, which I can't access because I remain locked out of my account and apparently "access will not be resumed soon"...
01-07-2022 04:23 PM
Thank you for the update. Now the escalations department where they might actually call you or supply you with a phone number to call. From what I have read on the BBB site in regards to pm's escalations department they are very keen to compensate customers and settle the dispute before a complaint is even filed with CCTS. Avoiding a complaint being filed keeps pm's customer satisfaction ratings high (telus/koodo/pm's ratings are near the top in the industry) in all of the ratings categories. I have even been surprised by the compensation recieved by customers who were completely in the wrong yet still recieved full refunds on services used. Decide what you think is fair and ask for it. If you want to share that in an update....great. If not that's ok too. Best of luck getting what you deserve.
01-07-2022 03:41 PM
@jenthefish : Thanks for the update. Between my outrage and darlicious's "just get it going" and then deal with the problem after...you'll get there. recharge is an online voucher seller. You could also have got one from many stores and a couple other online sellers.
My whole principled problem with asking for compensation afterwards is that it gets them off the hook to have the customer just go away and quietly enjoy their compensation. They need heat. This is a terrible idea they came up with to charge through Koodo that causes this side effect. Just terrible.
01-07-2022 03:35 PM
Dilaing 611 gives me a not in service message.
I heard back from the CSA, I was directed to a recharge website where I had to pay a premium to recharge my account. Even though there is a valid credit card on my account and they took the last payment sucessfully, I am now having to remedy this on my own, and paying a premium to do so.
I am going to ask to have this escalated, if I do not receive some sort of compensation I will be making a formal complaint and porting my number to a new provider.
01-07-2022 12:23 PM
There is nothing wrong with principles but sometimes they can get in the way of the end result. As we often suggest....get your service up and running first and then deal with the "issue" afterwards.
01-07-2022 12:17 PM
@darlicious : I guess I stand on principle too much some times. These customers should not be having to bend over to get their services back from no fault of their own. In fact, being good consumers. It's all just flat out wrong.
01-07-2022 12:07 PM
That's why 2 days ago I suggested the voucher to prevent all this current bs.....its irreversible and shows good faith by the customer. Service would have been working by now and then off to the escalations department for compensation.....just would have been the easiest method but here we are...
01-07-2022 12:01 PM
@darlicious : CCTS is a great idea. Because this has to stop.
softech brings up the company perspective though. How might they know that this isn't a fraud by the customer? Anybody could get free service for a month with a new number and then do the chargeback and it all gets shut down and they walk away. And all entirely justified. "What?..I never signed up with something called Koodo?"
But the company would also recognize if the customer ported in a number. If so and upon seeing the chargeback due to Koodo then they should do everything they can to right it at every convenience and ease of the customer...not them. Porting in a number means the customer purposefully meant to be here.
01-07-2022 11:53 AM - edited 01-07-2022 12:09 PM
Has pm given you back access to your self serve account? Or to 611? If yes then make a plan amount payment by choosing "other amount" and confirm and submit the payment. (611 card payments require your 4 digit account pin #.)
Otherwise ask the CSA how they expect payment for your plan so your access and your service can be reactivated. Once you get your service and account access back then ask the CSA to have the escalations department contact you and you can ask for a resolution that you feel properly compensates you for your inconvenience and loss of service. Unfortunately @J_PM has dropped the ball on this already so go straight to the department that if it cannot be resolved is the precursor to a CCTS complaint.
Edit: (sp)
01-07-2022 08:41 AM
@jenthefish a écrit :No, the card transaction was not reversed again. They took my money for the next months payment (as an automated payment), and my service was cancelled the same day, apparently because of the chargeback from the previous month. I am locked out of my account, but there is a valid working credit card on the account (which I added as soon as my card was cancelled due to the reported 'fraud').
I suggested to admin that the company just charge me again so that I could get my service back ASAP, but they told me I needed to contact my credit card company. Abysmal.
My credit card company says eventually the charge will be deemed as legitimate and paid back to the company but this can take 30 business days, and in the meantime told me the have the company just charge me again, and when the charge is paid back to the company I would have a credit.
There was a charge back from the previous month, PM took the money in the next month. So, PM Indeed only got one payment and hence it was applied to the previous month (as the service was consumed) and not the next month. I do agree with what PM did.
As I stressed earlier, you need to find out from the back why was there a charge back.
The charge will return to PM in 30 days but you have to accept the fact that the money is not there yet, it was just promised that it will be back but still it could be stopped. As a business, PM cannot just take the word. Again the focus here should be why was there the chargeback.
Since your card is working now, you can make another manual payment on My Account and get the service back first. Once PM get the money from the CC , the will put it back into your My Account as available fund and that could be used for the renewal after
I assume you don't want to go that way cos you were thinking "What if"? What if PM not doing that? On the other hand , this is exactly what PM position is. If PM not charge you another month and let you continue to use the service, "what if" credit card company fails to give PM back the money back?
It is an unfortunate situation. I suggest you pay one month now to get the service running first. Again, when cc pays back PM, PM will pay you back. You should push CC to answer the question, why was the charge back in the beginning
01-07-2022 02:43 AM
Well you are preaching to the choir....but since Jade is aware of this particular customer's issue this is a lapse on her part to have not sent a directive to the customer support team to make sure the OP was given accommodation to resolve the issue.
01-07-2022 02:06 AM
@darlicious : Oh I get the delays it took to get over that. But we're talking money here. The other _may_ have been lazily self-inflicted. This is not. Jade should have been standing behind that CSA short-cutting all the red-tape and righting this wrong.
@jenthefish : Ask for an escalation. Or...walk...and do another chargeback. But you'd lose your number. So again...what happens when you dial 611.
01-07-2022 02:00 AM
This is what I was afraid of...likely a new hire following the policy handbook. As far as they are concerned your credit card is tainted. If you had a pm voucher then they would have both a payment for the previous 30 days and the next 30 days.
01-07-2022 01:49 AM
I only mentioned sim jacking to stress the point of company inaction and avoiding embarrassment by not being upfront and having a pinned announcement warning new customers of this glitch to pre-emptively prevent the vast majority of customers who encounter the KOODO REAPPROV charge on their credit cards from requesting a chargeback and cancelling their credit cards and requesting a new replacement card.
01-07-2022 01:48 AM
Exactly. I am not a Koodo subscriber. At the time I didn't even realize that PM and koodo were both subsidiaries of telus. Even if I had, I still probably would have reported it as fraud, because why would a PM charge be listed as koodo? It shouldn't.
01-07-2022 01:47 AM
@jenthefish : What happens when you dial 611?
01-07-2022 01:44 AM - edited 01-07-2022 01:53 AM
No, the card transaction was not reversed again. They took my money for the next months payment (as an automated payment), and my service was cancelled the same day, apparently because of the chargeback from the previous month. I am locked out of my account, but there is a valid working credit card on the account (which I added as soon as my card was cancelled due to the reported 'fraud').
I suggested to admin that the company just charge me again so that I could get my service back ASAP, but they told me I needed to contact my credit card company. Abysmal.
My credit card company says eventually the charge will be deemed as legitimate and paid back to the company but this can take 30 business days, and in the meantime told me the have the company just charge me again, and when the charge is paid back to the company I would have a credit.
01-07-2022 01:17 AM
@softech : This is no laughing matter. There've been about 5 of these so far. And this response from the CSA's is laughably awful. The company should be completely embarrassed and ashamed about this. The customer should not be jumping hoops. The _company_ should be the one to bend over backwards to right this, immediately, with minimum hassle to the customer.
@darlicious : I don't compare this to the sim-jack thing. There was a likelihood of user complacency with logins. This is a completely faultless thing on the part of the customer just trying to do right with their money.
01-07-2022 01:11 AM - edited 01-07-2022 01:11 AM
@Anonymous i remember that poor fellow, saw Koodo on the statement and called CC to stop the charge and then the service was suspended or canceled. it was a Classic .
01-07-2022 01:02 AM
@softech : This customer deserves to be livid. They were another victim of this place making charges that come from Koodo. They rightfully canceled the charge. Lo and behold their service gets canceled. This is the 5th now that we've heard about. We don't know how many are going on in the background.
If the company is not making this as easy as possible for the customer due to the stupid company idea of using Koodo then this customer needs to do all they can to have service somewhere that doesn't lie about the charges.
@J_PM : This is appalling.
@jenthefish : Do you have home internet? If so then a shorter term workaround is to use a voip app like TextNow that does both text and talk. It needs the internet to do that. So connect to your home wifi and you have a phone.
But dang...that is a p1$$ poor response from the company for something that is not at all your fault.