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Sending Moderators Messages

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hello Community,


Seem to be providing to much personal information during the validation process.


Sometimes even asking for residential address/complete birth date.  Don't think this is necessary.


What happens to this information?


Feeling really uncomfortable...some ask for this others don't.  There is no consistency.


I don't think validation requires all this even to unlock account when password is forgotten.  If it does require all this then perhaps the process should be looked into.



@ Eliza5



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@ShawnC13  agreed that it is info that is available to mods. But the reason for the ticketing system through Simon was to

  • provide account verification at ticket subbital (reduce back and forths)
  • Not provide personal details via private message which was considered a vunerability for security incase someone's community account was hacked

@gpixel wrote:

@ShawnC13 having a different address on self serve won't affect my credit card/auto-pay?

No it won't as billing address doesn't have to be the same as mailing address


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Not applicable

@gpixel wrote:

@ShawnC13 having a different address on self serve won't affect my credit card/auto-pay?

No. Anybody can pay for anybody elses account with their card. Families do this. People that "manage" multiple accounts do this.

@ShawnC13 having a different address on self serve won't affect my credit card/auto-pay?

@Eliza5 wrote:

Thank you @mimmo ,  I also sent it to @Alan_K.  Waiting for a reply.


It just blew me away when that happened.




@Eliza5, if you entered that when you activated they already have that information.  You aren't giving them then don't already have.  When they enter your phone number or account number I am sure all that information is available to them and is just used for verification of what you entered.  Remember that PM does not verify your identity when you sign up so you could create a fake name and address.  As mentioned if you do that write it down so that you know what you entered when you are required to verify your account!!:)😁


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you @mimmo ,  I also sent it to @Alan_K.  Waiting for a reply.


It just blew me away when that happened.




Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Eliza5  if I understood you validated your account via simon and we're still asked by mods for the account verification via private message.   That should not be happening .  I posted this thread in the Oracle board, hopefully @Melinda_H will be able to contact you directly and ask for more details to exactly what happened, and identify the issue.  


Something similar happened to me last week when I wanted to port in a number post activation.  

Mayor / Maire

@Eliza5 when I contacted them using Simon recently I was given the option of either logging in or using a text message validation. If I didn't know thar then name on the account and 4 digit pin code. After that then you get into 3 of the 6 other methods. 

Write your stuff down or save it in your contacts. Stay safe. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My concern is that the information was already verified by SIMon.


This shouldn't happening.




Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Eliza5 I understand your uneasiness but you already gave them that info so they are just verifying it now if they asked questions that are new maybe social insurance number or mothers dob then I would be concerned lol 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Triguy , @shep22 ,


Yes, I appreciate the security but it makes me uneasy to give that much information to anyone.


Other providers also do security checks to prevent fraudulent activity and it is very extensive but I don't feel as uneasy as what is done at PM.


I think the process should be looked into.


Perhaps not the entire address or perhaps use security questions.  



@ Eliza5

Mayor / Maire

It is part of their standard procedure to ask for personal information.  I think the reason is to prevent fraudulent activity on customers accounts.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Eliza5 hi they are only trying to keep your account safe if it was to easy then people would hack ones account I for one appreciate the security even a little more would be good

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