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Saving Money every month with Public Mobile!!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Does anyone get supper happy about all the money they are now saving using Public Mobile?  I can't get over how my Cell phone bills have dropped about $75 dollars a month!   So happy!!  Thank you Public Mobile!! 😊


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I left Bell paying $70/Monthly for 25GB of Unlimited Data, in Favor of Public Mobile. I am now only paying $50 • 40GB of Canada-US Data! Bell couldn't beat it. 

I have so many Friend Referrals that my bill is free, I do 1-5 Referrals per day and I see people paying the most expensive Bills for off Contract phones at Tier 1 companies like Bell, Telus and Rogers. Here's a few examples. 

I have a friend in BC Paying $450 after taxes for 5 phones off Contract, with 10GB of Data each(not even Unlimited.), bringing them to Public Mobile we we're able to give them each 40GB of Unlimited Data and for all 5 lines it's only $225 now for all his lines. 

I had a couple come to switch fron Roger's, they both had their own separate Accounts - One of them had a Samsung S10+, and the other an iPhone 7. 

They we're on Roger's 50GB Unlimited Data Plans paying $117 per month each line after taxes, however their monthly usage never even hit 30GB..  they both took the Canada-US Plan and cut their bills literally in half. 

My Grandpa was with Telus and he goes to Texas every winter, when he is in Canada his bill is $170 per month with Telus for two lines, and when he's in the USA it is over $200 per month. He came and switched both lines to Telus and now pays $100/Monthly before taxes for both those lines and he can use them in Canada and the USA. 

I had a lady come to switch to Public Mobile long before Unlimited Data was being offered and unfortunately I couldn't help them and they went to Bell paying $65-$85 per line for Unlimited Data.. they came and switched yesterday since Public is offering the same as they had for 40% cheaper. 

Its super easy to get Referrals from people you know, I ask anyone i see with a phone who is obviously off Contract how much they pay per month and its an easy referral almost every single time. 

I have the most people switch from Bell, overpaying anywhere to about $65-$95 per month, Public Mobile is always able to beat it with even more included Data.

@dust2dust Totally. At least now the financing is broken out as a separate charge.

Mayor / Maire

We always need to remember that higher cell phone bills are often still paying off the subsidized device purchase.

Mayor / Maire

It pays to shop around and get the best bang for your buck @Jen_forever21  

Mayor / Maire

Yup, all the time. I'm saving about $40/month from my Telus days (before Community rewards), and I'm getting over 6x the data. And that was on an EPP plan. A consumer plan would have translated to an even greater savings on PM.

I know it's easy to complain about the cost of cell phones in Canada, but mine has gotten progressively cheaper over the years, for considerably more/better service. I remember paying $125/month for my first smartphone (Palm Treo 700wx) which didn't have wifi or GPS, and the plan only came with 4MB of data...yup, megabyte, not gigabyte. My 40GB plan today translates to 40,960MB for perspective. 40,960 vs 4. And granted part of that $125 was to subsidize the phone, but even if you knocked $30 off it's still almost $100 for 4MB.

Mayor / Maire

@Jen_forever21  we happy to hear it also note there even more way to save from fiend referrals to paying your bill and helping in community 

By participating , reading and helping others with questions . And learning and sharing and good things will happen 


ranked chart here 




Mayor / Maire

HI @Jen_forever21 

yes it is.  and PM is prepaid, so you won't spend more than you budgeted.  Love it

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