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Redeemed an add-on with points. If I don't use it, does it still expire or something?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Community,

I'm a bit new here so point me out if this post has issues. So I accumulated enough points that I can purchase an additional 200MB of data add-on. My current plan offers 250MB which during the day is enough most of the time (since I work from home) but sometimes I have to go out so it drains quickly. Last month I suspected I may have to go out more often then not so I redeemed the 200MB but later I ended up not using it. My question is: does my unused add-on carry over for me to use the next month? I ask this because I am confused with what my profile page keeps showing. I logged in today and it told me I had no add-ons active on my account but then once I logged in again at a later time, it showed my 200MB add-on. Can someone help me clear this confusion?





@Juleast @kaytus 


The only add-ons that DO expire are the US roaming add-ons, which expire 240 hours after purchase.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the reply. This cleared my confusion 👍

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@JuleastThe addon are no expired period.

Mayor / Maire

@Juleast hi yes your addon carries over until you use it all up it kicks in only after you use your data allotment for the cycle 

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