4 weeks ago
It is very frustrating. Any idea as to how I can make this work. Thanks for any advice you can provide.
4 weeks ago
It seems to be working - not quite sure what buttons I pushed but both sims seem to be operating under the Telcel network. Thanks for your help. Now I just have to figure out what my password is in order to retrieve my voicemail messages. Have never had to use a password before so will have to figure that out. Thanks again.
4 weeks ago
@susan53 Is your phone set to connect on 5G? If it is try dropping it to 4G/LTE. What carrier is it trying to connect to? Try doing a "reset network settings" and see if that helps. Is data working OK? Do you have data roaming turned on in settings?
4 weeks ago
I cannot seem to call or text. I have sent numerous texts and very few of them have gone through but never immediately. They seem to take hours to go through, if they go through at all. The strange thing is that I upgraded my husband's phone and his works with no problems - so far.
4 weeks ago
@susan53 are you able to make calls from Mexico on your phone? If not, but your texting and data works it sounds like a VoLTE issue in that your phone is not supported on the Public Mobile network, basically it's not on their whitelist for devices
Scroll towards the bottom for a list of VoLTE-roaming enabled devices: