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Plan change

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I changed my plan from$120 for 3 months to $34 a month 20GB and unlimited Canada wide calls and text and international messaging, however my receipt shows “ unlimited Quebec plan?! Is that normal?

Thank you


Mayor / Maire

Thank you very much, @J_PM , that definitely helps decision-making on my end, and likely many others!

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

@HALIMACS  Jumping in to set the record. The $34/20GB is indeed unlimited Canada wide calling (not Quebec Only). The team is working on updating the details on web as this is causing the confusion.  Thank you!

Ok, do this: log in to the account and click on the little spinner refresh icon lower down by the shop add-ons button. Note all the usage numbers for all the calling add-ons. That will give you all the updated usage numbers for all those add-ons. Then make a call to somewhere out of your province and connect and talk for a minute or two or listen to a recording or be on hold. Then hang up and wait a moment. Then click that refresh icon again and compare all the usage numbers. Did any numbers change? If not then you used plan minutes. If numbers changed then you would be right, inconclusive results.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’m sorry guys for the delay in responding, got too busy at work. I can’t tell if the unlimited Canada calls will work or not because I still have tons of LD minutes add- on from before.

Mayor / Maire

Indeed @statusquo 

I helped 2 account holders within my 'group of users' to schedule plan changes to it, one next week and the other following week, so it better darn well include Canada wide calling with a seamless transition.

Unless I've missed a post or other thread where Public Mobile staff weighed in on this, there's been no official word on this, which is disheartening.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It would be helpful if @TawfikA is able to confirm that the plan is able to call outside of Quebec @HALIMACS since there's been quite a bit of confusion around the wording on this plan.  I see op hasn't returned yet to update though.

Mayor / Maire

This is the best mini-series ever!!!  @dust2dust @hTideGnow @statusquo @clayt1 

SO @TawfikA , can you call anyone outside of Quebec and Ontario?  Perhaps a friend/relative elsewhere in Canada?   Inquiring minds really, really would like to know.  🙏

@hTideGnow- We don't know that for sure yet. Hopefully this fine customer can prove it for us.

hi @TawfikA yup.. just typos.  No worries, Canada wide and not QC only  🙂


Ok good at last. So, right! That is the problem with the wording. But now you have the chance to prove the facts for all of us. Can you call a number to elsewhere in Canada like a McDonalds in say Calgary or something. Not a toll free number. Do they answer? If so then it would indeed be Canada-wide and that would prove away the uncertainty of the wording.

Adding - like 1-403-265-8096

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I did complete it since it was close to my renewal. I’m in ON so not sure how it would say unlimited QC?!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Heard back from CS and was informed it's a typo and they sent a memo to the powers that be to fix the error. So hopefully soon it will be corrected.

@statusquo- Yup, me too. And they bank on that. So here we are. Still pathetic though.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I have to agree with your points @dust2dust that for a company that is headed by a major carrier there should be more professional and prompt attention paid to mistakes.  I'm not sure as to why not fixing things quickly would be considered good business practice.  It is certainly a strange decision making but I stay as currently the plan and price suits my needs.

@statusquo- If you've been here a while you come to realize that it's not at all surprising. I think it's pathetic for a billions in revenue corporation to be this way but hey I don't make the big bucks to make these decision and to operate this way.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Question is why public mobile is not bothering with a clarification for this discrepancy in wording.  Most companies like to fix errors as quickly as possible but I'm coming to the conclusion that public is not as interested in fixing it's errors quickly which is quite surprising.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm not laying blame on the CS. They don't know why it's happening. We'll see what happens tomorrow i guess.


maybe because they are unable to contact a Public Mobile supervisor/manager to confirm the intent/scope of the advertised plan. (being the weekend, and all…)

The customer support agents are kinda being hung out to dry, which is admittedly, not overly fair to them.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm dealing with a CS and it's not going anywhere fast. Hoping to get some kind of resolution. It's pretty obvious it's a PM issue.

LOL @dust2dust - figured for someone else within your realm of possible users.  

I should have known you'd be all over that with testing ...  silly me.    🤣🤣

@HALIMACS- Oh I'm not changing plans 🙂 I only tested the plan change to see what everybody was talking about and I got the same thing. Then I removed the change.
Don't call me Shirley 🙂

Valid question, for sure, @dust2dust .   Was unaware you also planned a change.

Surely we'll get a newbie who may have completed an immediate plan change to serve as the guinea pig for this glitch - however given no one has yet gotten frustrated with a new thread, perhaps their immediate plan change gave them no calling concerns and we can infer no issues.

Mayor / Maire

@DennyCrane- Thanks. That's why asked.
@HALIMACS- That's why I asked. I get the same thing so I'm looking for some one that has completed it to test calling.

That's the thing, @dust2dust 

The 'pending' change screen shows it as Canada-wide when planning the change, then when I logged out of self-serve, then logged back in, under the Payment section, the upcoming payment details shows correctly as $34 and taxes for my provincial taxation location (not Quebec), yet the details are displaying as "Quebec wide calling".

Puzzling, yet probably just another glitch at the PM level.

@dust2dust Sorry I should have clarified it is for next renewal on Dec 3. Otherwise I would have tested it first hand to confirm it works for numbers outside of Quebec.

It would make no sense to sell it outside of Quebec if that were a limitation though.

Mayor / Maire

@TawfikA- So did you complete it and make it happen or did you set it up for your next renewal? Same for your mother @DennyCrane ?

Mayor / Maire

And so we have another customer asking the question, yet silence from Public Mobile.

Does Public Mobile not see how unacceptable this is for it's customers? 

The offering is a good one - one that many (including at least 2 of my family account-holders) have planned switches to.

So let's have a response, please @J_PM 

Will this proposed plan, as clearly outlined in it's plan change particulars, in fact allow for Canada-wide calling or is it somehow restricted only to Quebec wide calling?   I tend to believe the former, yet the latter is troubling and conflicting messaging that does nothing but cause undue confusion for customers.

C'mon Public Mobile - clarify this please.

Mayor / Maire

I'd be shocked if that was true, as I'm in BC and was able to change my mom to it. It says unlimited nationwide calling on the main page, so likely just a typo (yet again) on the receipt. Hopefully we'll get some reassurance from PM staff tomorrow though.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @TawfikA 

This is a bit of a hot topic right now in the forums. There has been some confusion about this plan offer. We've had to CS Agents say two different things. They were supposed to get back to us yesterday but never did.  My advice, take screens of the original offer and hold on to it. Then take screenshot of what the Quebec thing is.

@TawfikA wrote:

I changed my plan from$120 for 3 months to $34 a month 20GB and unlimited Canada wide calls and text and international messaging, however my receipt shows “ unlimited Quebec plan?! Is that normal?

Other customers have also noticed this discrpency.  Public Mobile has not yet said anything about this.

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