05-11-2022 10:31 PM
Received a call said my PM phone number was used in India for scam.
05-12-2022 04:44 AM
You might get more than the average nuisance calls for awhile. If you are not beholden to the number and only had it a short while you can consider changing it. Maybe when you're bored you can peruse the available numbers and see if you come across a cool one you might like....you can change your number up to 4 times per 30 days if you really want. Just make sure you have a rock solid 2FA back up for anything that has your current number listed so you can safely update them with your new number.
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05-11-2022 10:38 PM
@a3a45471 Very likely you can ignore that. It is likely a Caller ID Spoofing trick
Very commonly use trick by scammer, but nothing to worry about.
Just like letter mail, someone can put your address on the return address and send to another person , you cannot do anything but there is no harm to you at all.
05-11-2022 10:33 PM
@a3a45471 - sounds like someone spoofed your phone number.
I would not be too concerned. Spammers can do this to make is seem like they are calling from local numbers.
I think your number was chosen for one, or more.
Nice, that someone called you to tell you about it, I guess. 🙂