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Phone not sending text but receiving them?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

When I text anyone it’s not giving me an error message telling me it’s not sending but my text aren’t being received by anyone I can only send pictures  


hi @Jennacherice 


is it just one number you cannot send to? or multiple ?

is the one that you cannot send a Group Message?

try to directly send to different friends (1-to-1)


and iMessage still turned on?

did you check if Carrier profile is updated?

Sounds like you've got things all under control then, @Jennacherice 



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It's just a setting on your device.



While you're waiting for a customer support agent, why not check your device.


A support agent will not be able to give you particulars of the device itself, only the account and SIM.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I purchased this phone myself definitely not blacklisted never had a problem with text not sending from the moment I put my SIM card in but I did try taking it out and putting it back in 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

On it thank you 



Definitely check SIM cards in other devices and you can also try someone else's SIM card in your device.


Check to see if the device happens to be blacklisted, as I mentioned above with a link to the device checker site. 


If it is blacklisted, and it was purchased from an unauthorized/ unknown vendor, your only recourse is to deal with the company who blacklisted it which may be difficult to determine.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Tried this to no avail

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My plans active until January fourth 

Mayor / Maire

What phone do you have?
If it is apple, do not use iMessage but native SMS app which uses mobile network and not wifi/data.

Mayor / Maire


You might want to get help from a Customer Support Agent, so either send a private message to CS_Agent or use the Chat Bot Simon to get a service ticket started.    They can look into your sim card and provisions.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It happened abruptly during a conversation with someone without an iPhone no change in connections or locations just laying in bed they stopped receiving my text after being able to the entire day then I noticed no one else could receive any actually text aside from iMessage which obviously was still working because I’m connected to wifi I’ve turned my iMessage on and off multiple times and did every other troubleshooting I could think of



When you log into your self-serve, or dial *611, what messaging is being given regarding the status of your account?


iMessage will work without cellular service... only needs wi-fi


EDIT:  @Jennacherice    you might also want to try your SIM card in another known working device to see if the services work. If they do, try checking to see if your device happens to be blacklisted:



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sorry I should have mentioned I’ve turned it on and off multiple times this started last night mid texting conversation completely out of nowhere I thought it was my friends phone but they are sending and receiving text fine so I tried to send someone else a sms as opposed to a iMessage to no avail

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

sending without data on or wifi to another iphone could be a problem (imessage), 

Mayor / Maire


Turn airplane mode off and turn on data.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I did this as I am using iPhone I restarted my phone reset network settings turned on airplane mode

Mayor / Maire


If you're using an iPhone, try turning iMessage off and turn on regular messaging.

Make sure that your data is turned on too.

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