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Phone Connection Issue

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've had my phone for a year now with no issues, for the last month I can't seem to make a direct call without connection issues.  When I dial a number, there's dead silence, then the call shows "Call Failed". I have to call back for it to finally connect.  

Another issue is that I can't receive calls.  I changed my plan from 3g to 4g, I restarted my Iphone 13 and it seemed to work the first 10mins, but it's back to not connecting again. I hope someone can assist me with this issue


Mayor / Maire


Try toggling airplane mode on/off in the meantime to get a brand new connection to the network.

@nvancol it's a voice issue and should not be affected by data speed change


At the moment, a ticket to PM support is needed and hope it could  be resolved after they try to reprovision your sim/accountt

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I did change my 3g to 4g today, but connectivity was not an issue with the other Iphone I put my SIM card into. So I think the culprit is my SIM card

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you Handy1, I've sent a private message to an Agent


@nvancol voice call issue only?  


did you try to change your preferred network type to 3G?  it might help



if not, you will have to open ticket with PM support and have them to reprovision the sim card account .  Please open ticket with PM using Chatbot


1. Please open ticket via Chatbot (need access to My Account): At

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you have trouble with Chatbot or you don't have access to My Account: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried your solution, and it's the SIM that's the issue.  I was in Montreal, and I had no issues there, but as soon as I returned to Mississauga, the issue resumed.

Mayor / Maire

Try putting your Sim in another phone. 

Try putting some one else's SIM in your phone. 

That should help isolate if it is a SIM or Phone issue. 

And like said verify for local outages. 

And do you have good signal strength where you are calling from?

Mayor / Maire

@nvancol , also you could try the sim in another phone and see if that makes any difference . But if you end up needing a agent here’s a link 

  • Alternatively, you can send a private message to our Agents by clicking here. You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work

Mayor / Maire


You should reach out to a Customer Support Agent and have them look into your sim card and provisions for it.


Use the Chatbot Simon to get a service ticket started first.


Or send a private message to CS_Agent

If the Chat Bot Simon doesn't work for you.

Mayor / Maire

@nvancol @Have you changed your cellular data to 4G/ LTE also when switching 3G to 4G it can take up to 48 hours before you see a difference in speed 



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