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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@CS_Agent I was overcharged yesterday, June 19th. Could you please tell me why? I switched to a new subscription which cost me $49.28 but I was also charged $29.12 at the same time which I can see on my bank statement but not on my Public Mobile invoices. Please help, thank you. 



@Schlief   did you use Change Now to make a plan change yesterday?

If so, Change Now will allows PM to charge you new plan charge immediately.  It could be that yesterday was the Day 1 of your old plan, PM charged you, then you make a Change Now request later in the day, hence PM charged you agian

If that is the case, LIKELY PM support can reverse one of the charge, please open ticket by messaging them here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Mayor / Maire

@Schlief  Please message support to get this straightened out 

Message support directly

  • while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click >>>here.<<<

Add you changed plans was it immediately and not on next renewal ? If so that why you were double charged and no refund would be credited 


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