08-16-2018 08:58 PM - edited 01-05-2022 05:24 AM
Hello Public Mobile, and by extension Telus, the owner of Public Mobile.
I am a subscriber of your prepaid service since July of 2016. I have been a very happy customer, and I’ve enjoyed the service provided to me via your plans, the Community, and the Moderators and other staff who interact with the subscribers of this service.
I write you today, as it has once again become rediculous the way new subscribers are having problems activating new services, existing subscribers are having failed AutoPay renewals, failed plan changes, and everyone is having difficulty figuring out how long they will need to wait for their issues to be dealt with successfully.
It is beyond belief that there is no communication on a daily basis at this point, about what is going on. There are problems with the website interface in the Selfserve portal, the forgotten password process has been ineffective for the better part of my time with your service, and the current delays are creeping up daily. I would not be surprised if folks are now waiting in excess of 96 hours for initial response to support requests to the Moderator_Team.
You really need to stop offering these fantastic promotions until you get your technology fixed. This is insane. I’m happy I’m here, but I can’t recommend my friends to come here until you get your ducks in a row.
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-04-2021 12:50 PM
01-07-2019 12:04 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Please just stop with the mixed-case. It makes for irritating reading. I get emphasizing words, I get yelling...but the mixed case is just ridiculous.
Of course I know no one has any obligation to obey my commands.
Just trying to let you know that it's extremely irritating.
Sorry had a chuckle at the wording here. Open community so something of grant my request may have been a better choice. None of us have power here so the obey my commands made me laugh.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
01-07-2019 11:38 AM
Please just stop with the mixed-case. It makes for irritating reading. I get emphasizing words, I get yelling...but the mixed case is just ridiculous.
Of course I know no one has any obligation to obey my commands.
Just trying to let you know that it's extremely irritating.
01-07-2019 11:24 AM
Update after about 1.5 months on Public Mobile
4 accounts - 4 lines
Problems are zero and all referral credits, pre paid credits etc are properly deposited into my account.
I have activated two accounts at walmart and two at home. The walmart waits were terrible they seemed to have only one person in that section. Activating online was as smooth as silk for me.
I feel for anyone who has had any issues but I am extatic to report all of my activations and the service to date has been perfect. I even changed a phone number via the self serve website and again the process was flawless for me.
01-07-2019 08:15 AM
Thank you for your reply.
Since I was uncertain about the 🙄MOD_ SQUAD's🤔 process...BOT or NOT_BOT was the QUesTiOn in the world OF PM..., and with other Community MEmBErS 🤗🤗🤗non-BOT GRACIOUS and inFoRMaTiVe responses😉...each message ... estimate 5/13🤔... was composed of cut and paste "private messages" with the following info:
1. Koodo account #
2. Koodo phone #
3. PM... now activated... account#
4. PM ...#chosen at activation..."randomly
chosen via PM "check eligibility"
5. Account holder's NAME
NOTE: ThE aBOVe meSSaGe/ helPFuL?😊? REComMeNDATiON... ONLY applies if your "service' provider is one of the TWISTED SISTERS... in this case... transporting from KOODO to PM... in the YeT to be DETERMINED DYS/fuNcTioNAl 🤔🤔 family DYNaMiCs of TeLUs🤔🤔🤔
01-05-2019 08:32 PM
@popping wrote:If the moderator does not quote your message(s), you have to add your previous message and responses from previous moderator(s) in your reply. This is the problem with the private message system.
THere are FAR more problems with the messaging system.... but yes, one problem is that MOST moderators DO NOT quote your reply. Then there are some that break up your reply, others that combine, and yet others that just plain ignore parts of your message.
It's all over the map... that is why I found the ONLY way to make it work for me is to always regroup everything before I send another message. Otherwise, some inevitably gets dropped/lost etc,
01-05-2019 07:43 PM - edited 01-05-2019 07:44 PM
If the moderator does not quote your message(s), you have to add your previous message and responses from previous moderator(s) in your reply. This is the problem with the private message system.
01-05-2019 07:35 PM
@CatCanyon wrote:Good morning, fellow MOD SQUAD groupies!
Here we all are... awaiting the latest and greatest telecom concert...
The long awaited arrival of the newest group on the concert tour... THE MODERATOR_TEAM more commonly called the MOD squad... probably mostly by me @CatCanyon
I'm signed up... I've got 12 tickets... awaiting the appearance of a performer from....
I wholeheartedly understand that issue, first hand. I too had dozens of requests to mods for support, many were being missed, ignored and not responded too.
After trying MANY different ways to get all my issues attended to, I found the ONLY EFFECTIVE way was to ALWAYS group ALL ISSUES into ONE message and number and label the issues. Then when a reply came back, if it was broken up, I would combine them back together again in my reply (my original with their replies and my follow-up) and point out any issues that were still not addressed. Even when I sent multiple issues in one message, invariably I would get a reply to only one or two and the rest ignored. UGH.
It took a LONG time (MANY MONTHS) and A LOT OF WORK but doing it this way I was able to work through a lot of my backlog, though I still have several issues still on the go, and some I have simply had to let go.
If you have multiple issues, I have found this is the ONLY WAY to keep track of them all and to keep PM's feet to the fire to work through EACH AND EVERY issue.
I have found that waiting more than a few business days for replies does NOT work... that is usually an indication that they have missed your messages, in spite of the lack of enough staff, especially during promotions.
This should NOT be... part of it is the training PM mods get, their skill level and attention to detail and follow through, a lack of proper tools to effectively manage the flow messages, etc. etc.
01-05-2019 03:39 PM
Highly appreciate. You are such helpful! Please stay often around the community.
01-05-2019 03:31 PM
@PR, It could take a while until your number port (from Fredom Mobile) is complete. Untill it is, your Freedom SIM should still be functional, and you can receive calls to your number using that SIM. Once it stops working, that would generally indicate that the number port is complete. At that time, you can switch over fully to the PM SIM.
If it has been over 24 hours, and the port is not done yet, then i would contact the moderator team and ask for help. note that there is about a 3 day backlog (currently).
If you need to...
Click here to send the moderator team a private message. Their hours are: Mon-Fri 9AM-9PM(EST) & Sat/Sun 9AM-7:30PM(EST)
You can find information regarding the moderator team by following this link.
01-05-2019 02:52 PM
I just switched over from Freedom Mobile and am not receiving incoming calls yet. Do you mind to let me know how to contact moderator and open a ticket to solve the issue?
01-05-2019 07:34 AM
Good morning, fellow MOD SQUAD groupies!
Here we all are... awaiting the latest and greatest telecom concert...
The long awaited arrival of the newest group on the concert tour... THE MODERATOR_TEAM more commonly called the MOD squad... probably mostly by me @CatCanyon
I'm signed up... I've got 12 tickets... awaiting the appearance of a performer from.... THE TWISTED SISTER organization of....PM and KOODO under the grand auspices of the mothership ... WAIT for the drum roll...TELUS.
ALAS, the mothership has not invested enough money for PM to operate efficiently. PM has great intentions for community involvement, in fact, is fun to subscribe to and participate in... HOWEVER, @CatCanyon... while having fun... would also like to be fully at the telecom concert... as in being able to put the PM SIM card into @CatCanyon's SIM CARD phone slot... which currently has the older SIBLING'S KOODO'S SIM CARD because the mothership is apparently having difficulties in the FAMILY DYNAMICS... it appears that dear Telus MOTHERship can't decide which is the favoured sibling... thus keeping them TWISTED and insecure as to what direction each should take...🤔 Koodo.... more expensive data plans, humans who provide customer support🤔 PM...🤔 ... less expensive data plans, community of helpful folks trying to pass along useful information about their experiences with MODS and BOTS 🤔 their experiences and learnings about patience for a beloved NON-BOT moderator_team ... perhaps CERTIFIED PERSON to appear and actually PRoVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE...
As for @CatCanyon... I claim 12 tickets, no response from BOT-MOD-PM- SIBLING KOODO-MOthERSHIp TEluS, and i've missed the kick off concert by 10 days. 😑🤔😏
12 tickets= if there's a concert on the horizon @CatCanyon will invite friends to engage in the telecom concert ONLY IF ...PM/Telus DECIDES TO PROVIDE... even adequate... CUSTOMER SERVICE
Looking forward to actually getting to use 1 ticket and see what the MOD_TEAM has to offer.
Thanks for the community (as in people) folks attention... hope the MOD-BOT-MOD_TEAM- TWISTED SISTERS- mothershipTelUS team are providing seats...
Reportedly... it's a great telecom concert
SIGNED: WANNA HAVE my KOODO number signed to my PURCHASED, ACTIVATED PM SIM card in @catcanyon's SIM CARD slot... currently occupied by her SIBLING...a prepaid Koodo SIM card 😉🤔😑🙄😏
01-03-2019 07:20 AM
Hello dear friends who are NOT bOTs. I have been trying for over a week...leaving 10 messages to the beloved... yet unattainable... moderator_team... following Simon... the BoT ... who directed me to the Community Site... TO NO APPARENT AVAIL... to get some ASSISTANCE to TRANSFER my Koodo number... fORMALy my PC number UNTIL KOODO recently took over PC ... which by the way was PROVIDING MORE EFFICIENT SERVICE than the SISTER companies of Koodo... hiding under the guise of TELUS... AND its sister- partner- sibling- relative- associate PUBLIC MOBILE (PM)
I have followed Simon's, the equally beloved BoT's... information thread about how to transfer my koodo phone which I've had for say...20 YEARS...
As a person interested in saving money and at the same time looking for a responsive customer service provider, I'm wondering if it is your organization.... DeAr TeLus...
Wondering if more reasonably priced service plans EQUALS Less PEOPLE ÷ more BoTs ... as in, not enough MODERATOR_TEAM... members to fulfill the much Needed, non-BoT_UnABlE members of your WEIRD and WACKY idea of ADEQUATE service PROVISION! 🤔🤔🤔😅😊
At this point, I'VE ATTACHED MYSELF TO YOU... dear telus... AND, at the same time, I have NOT been able to DETACH myself from YOUR SISTER company koodo!
Seriously, please provide SOME SORT of RESPONSIVE assistance, in a timely fashion.
Why Should I pay both SIBLINGS and, at the same time, have to do the fantastically tricky part of extracting the TINIEST PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY... the beloved SIM CARD... in order to use 1 phone for calls... that being my current and DESIRED SIM card number... THEN have to pop out the TINIEST, perhaps most frustrating aspect of my SMART phone... the SIM card... to use the BELOVED extra data, NOT provided by the SISTER organization UNLESS I want to PAY $20 more÷LESS🤔🤔, BUT provided by PM on a separate SIM card with the PHONE NUMBER I DO NOT want?
Here's HOPING I haven't WASTED another DAY asking for ADEQUATE... IF that's all you strive for... CUSTOMER CARE.
Thanks for your ATTENTION...🤔🤔😊
SIGNED: a wanna BE saTIsFied CUSTOmer to ONLY 1 SiBLiNG in a FUNcTiOnal FAMilY
12-15-2018 11:56 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@DWood wrote:I read somewhere on this confusing site that when you downgrade a mod has to do it. I tried more than six times, reading and re reading the instructions on changing a plan. Whatever though, I’m only keeping the number active until I port over the Koodo in the next few days, ordered a MORE expensive plan than I have here, on a postpaid plan, with an IPhone at no upfront cost. Public Won’t be seeing another 72$ Payment from me again, moderator help or not. I’m fine with changing my phone number, and paying a lot more for it to get away from this crud for good.
Maybe it becomes crud if one doesn't top up their account for renewal.
This is a low budget, hands on, pre-paid cell service. The ones here are happy to be paying less.
But admitted, I might move to Koodo for that $15 base plan and pick up those add-ons that rollover like here.
It has been a HIGH price to pay for LOW budget...
I keep hoping on hope that I can get past my outstanding issues that I can benefit from the "low" cost!
12-15-2018 11:51 PM - edited 12-15-2018 11:52 PM
@mimmo wrote:@irisou sorry to hear about your troubles. 7 days seems a bit past the norm.
I can you tell this IS the norm, and longer....
I signed up in May that this has been my experience every since. It would not be so bad if at least the issues were resolved the firs ttime. But alas, that is NOT the case. I have been going back and forth for weeks and weeks and weeks trying to resolve numerous problems (compounded by the fact that I am now 6 plans deep with PM). It takes them so long to resolve issues that new ones come along before the firsts ones are resolved.
I am still working on getting at least 3 major issues resolved since Sep 2018! And these are NOT difficult issues. It is just that follow through and follow up is VERY poor!
Still hoping I can bring closure to these soon!
Had I known how bad it was, I may never have started with PM. Definitely NOT the within 2-4 hours they originally advertised, which then changed to within 24 hrs, then 48 hours for turnaround. 😞
12-04-2018 12:21 AM
@Tashi wrote:My sim card has beed deactivated for few days and I can't figure out where to report this issue. please help me reactivate my sim card. It is so frustrating to miss important calls.
Login yout self-serve account.
Is you account status active?
If no, did you missed a payment?
Can you call out/receive call, send/receive text?
Is your data working?
12-04-2018 12:16 AM
My sim card has beed deactivated for few days and I can't figure out where to report this issue. please help me reactivate my sim card. It is so frustrating to miss important calls.
11-27-2018 10:47 PM
Thank you so much for the welcome. I am aware of the no frills forum support and since I will be the person setting up the accounts for relatives it should be no issue. We all use our phones for leisure and a couple days delay wont harm anything.
I do use mine for business but I have many ways of redirecting my business calls.
I'm just happy to not worry about overages and I'm happy to pay for only what I use. I don't know why I have been paying for two 10gb plans when we have never exceeded two gigs.
The 4.5gig with 500mb bonus for $40 was a deal too good to pass up and to be quite honest the LTE network seems to do the job for me. I have not noticed any difference when I surf on my phone.
11-27-2018 10:40 PM - edited 11-27-2018 10:48 PM
Really glad to hear you had an easy transition to Public Mobile. When you're talking to those relatives, just make sure to let them know that there is no call center help line. If they run into a glitch, there could be a few days delay before anyone of the moderators are able to respond. Although the customer community is rich in useful information and always willing to be initial assistance. I'm like you...real happy with our PM account, but I can see how some folks get peed off if they can't get immediate customer support from a traditional call center. Welcome to PM.
11-27-2018 10:04 PM
Hmmm, I cannot comment on the ongoing issues but I signed up with 3 new accounts Nov 23 2018 and the process was super simple. I signed up for 2x $40 4.5GB+ bonus and one $25 basic for my son.
Everything was smooth as silk and the ports completed in under 1 hour. A couple of days later all the referral credits and bonus dollars were in all 3 accounts. The autopay went smooth as silk and when I had a few questions the members of the community were quick to answer.
So I can only talk as a relatively new client but I was very satisfied with the process, in fact so much so that I will be signing up a few of my relatives this weekend.
So its not all doom and gloom, new activations are working very well and I for one am very glad the promotions are available.
Just an observation from a relatively new client.
11-19-2018 09:18 AM
I too have my credit card blocked. So much for autopay smh
11-19-2018 07:54 AM - edited 11-19-2018 08:23 AM
People do make mistake, however in world of Public Mobile customers could be left with no help. My private message to a moderator a month ago was still unaddressed. No reply at all. I'm not really sure what I can suggest to you other than feeling sorry. Good luck.
11-19-2018 01:52 AM
Why is my phone suspended with a credit balance auto pay is useless
11-17-2018 03:15 PM
Thank you 🙂
11-17-2018 03:03 PM - edited 11-17-2018 03:04 PM
@CS_Agent wrote:
Also, kindly note that this is a public forum, thus it is recommended to NOT provide your personal information. So, for security purposes, we have edited your post.
One little three letter word changes the whole thing.
My bold insertion.
02:58 PM
- last edited on
03:16 PM
Hello @Santimolthomas,
Thank you for reaching out to us. We hope you're doing fine.
We are sorry for the issues you might be having with your account and we'd be pleased to assist you with this, however, you need to send us a private message with your inquiry. You may use this link https://bit.ly/2CDoc2k.
Also, kindly note that this is a public forum, thus it is recommended to not provide your personal information. So, for security purposes, we have edited your post.
We hope that all is clear for you and shall be waiting on your message in private.
Thank you for your understanding!
02:43 PM
- last edited on
02:52 PM
Hi there
I created my account a month ago and I lost my login name and password (lost email address and password)
With all the different phones I've been using and restoring and resetting I've forgotten what email address I used to set up the account. I can't find any way to get that info. So I tried to set up again and it won't let me due to an account already being made for the number. The only path for help appears to be if you have forgotten your password. But I didn't forget the password, well I may have, but it can't help me if I don't know the email address.
Phone number is xxxxxxxxxI've tried all the email addresses I can think of and the original welcome messages were lost on a restore or phone swap.
Name : xxxxxxxxh
Address: xxxxxx
my present email address: :x
I believe my PIN number :xxxxx
my plan: include tax $22.60
I would like to upgrade my plan - please help.
How can I address this problem please? Any insight would be wonderful.
Kind regards,
11-15-2018 03:11 PM
@stonechucker I had a mod named Ashley reply on another thread.. so keeping my fingers crossed I get a fix tonight before he has to go to work tomorrow. Thanks!
11-15-2018 03:09 PM
@Katrina215, so frustrating. I really hope you get your response from @Alan_K, or someone at Public Mobile soon.
11-15-2018 02:36 PM
I've been waiting on an activation error fix all day... no reply from any mods. My spouse is currently trying to work on open sea without a connection to the people he needs to be connected to. My fault for saying this is a great company to deal with and I would get it all set for him.
I'm willing to bet after today he will probably just add money on his current pay as you go plan.
You guys took my money and I cant log in and it says my sim is invalid trying to reactivate. This has been not a good experience. @Alan_K This original post was from Aug.. we are in Nov and there still seems to be issues. I honestly just want an active phone. 😢