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Number transfer

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Morning - I'm becoming a little frustrated with this and I'm just getting started.  Reaching out for some confirmation of process because there is little to no support from PM. 

Setup a new account for my wife's phone, which is currently on Sasktel.  Got the SIM yesterday.  After work (around 600 Sask Time) Went through the activation process with PM through the app.  Received a text from Sasktel saying that they received a request to transfer the number to PM. Asked for confirmation. Replied YES within 5 minutes.  PM says that if the number isn't transferred within 5 hours to submit a ticket.  I've tried, but it won't let me.  I've contacted Sasktel this morning and they tell me that they have received everything they need, and it's on PM to complete the number transfer.  

My question is: do I need to wait until Monday for this to go through, or does PM do number transfers on the weekend?  Is there something I'm missing? The phone can send texts and can call out, but cannot receive texts or phone calls. 

Thanks, LD


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How do I call them? What’s the number? It won’t let me create a ticket on the chat 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

what is number for live support


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Can you send this to me as well. Basically the same issue.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just a quick update. The number has ported across. Tried having a few people call and send texts to check and all seems to be working. Incidently, and perhaps more ironically, at 930 last night I received an email from PM entitled "Follow these easy steps to transfer your number over."  I laughed, cuz there's not much else you can do, thinking about the Saturday I won't get back.

Like I said, I hope this isn't indicative of the relationship I'm going to have with PM.  But, really appreciate all the help from the community! 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Since you have to Select which carrier you are Porting in from, so they should maybe make it an option for only the Providers without an Account Number?

For example, say I port in from Bell Canada, then the IMEI Number box shouldn't be there for them, but can show up when Porting in from Petro.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Keep in mind with Sasktel it can take up to 10-15 minutes to Receive the Port Request Text message to the Sasktel SIM Card. 

Usually the texts are pretty instant, but with Sasktel it takes a few minutes longer I'm assuming because they are Government owned.

HI @Priority @LeoDoodle 

IMEI is an option there because  some providers do not have account number so they need the IMEI for porting.   I forgot the exact provider, I think 711 or Petro  Can mobile is one of them

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Oooohh, I didn't even think about that @LeoDoodle, I never EVER use the IMEI to Port in, you must always use your Previous Providers Account Number for best success. 90% of the time it doesn't work with the IMEI Number, and works almost 100% of the time with the Previous Providers Account Number. 

Always use the Previous Providers Account Number when Porting Numbers in and you should never have an issue. 

The IMEI shouldn't even be an Option in My opinion.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Great news @LeoDoodle ! Glad to hear the account number made the difference. Did you see the SaskTel service signal go to "no bars" or an "x" before you switch SIM cards? If you switched the SIM before that happened, just be sure to power your phone off and then back on again sometime in the next hour whilst you are out soaking up the Sun.

Then, as @hTideGnow  suggested, make a test call from your phone to another cell or landline to ensure that your ported number shows on the Call Display, and make a test call from another phone or landline to your ported cell number to make sure it rings on your cell phone with the Public Mobile SIM inserted. Cheers.

@LeoDoodle  Yes the IMEI tends to cause more hiccups than it’s worth I never give it . They should remove as option or say optional . But sounds like you are in the home stretch . Shouldn’t be much longer now for your port to complete once’s your Sasktel sim stops working switch to the PM sim and welcome to public mobile 🙂

HI @LeoDoodle 

IMEI always have trouble in porting.  But sometimes it is not the carrier's fault, people change phones and IMEI record might not update that quick

anyway, your PM sim card in a phone, test calling your number from another phone and if your PM sim rings, all done

Enjoy the rest of the day and nice weather

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Once more response - as I mentioned, I resubmitted a request for the transfer, including my Sasktel account number.  Not having heard anything from anyone, I called back to the Porting group at PM.  After being told at the beginning prompts of the automated responses that my number wasn't being requested to be transferred (grrrrr...) I eventually got through to Bob, the rep.  Bob told me that he could see a new request 20 mins ago, including the account number, and that it had been accepted by both Sasktel and PM - and that it should transfer over within 10 minutes to 2 hours.  I told him I'm not holding my breath, but I'm now going to go outside and enjoy what's left of the very nice day.  I put the PM SIM into the phone as I was told to do, and I will await a text saying that the transfer is complete.  

Wow....that's all I can say.  If the account number from Sasktel is what was needed (and Bob told me that's really what the need) then maybe it should not be an option to use the IMEI in the request!  

Anyhow, thanks everyone, again, for your feedback, and I will let you know if this goes through.  


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Sounds like you're on the right track. This might be redundant, but just wanting to make sure that you are responding to the text message from SaskTel with the SaskTel SIM card inserted in your phone? You have to respond "Yes" with their SIM card plugged in. Then, after replying to the text, wait to see if the signal strength indicator in the notification area of your phone goes blank with an "x" and a message like "SOS" or "Emergency Calls Only". If it does, then remove the SaskTel SIM and insert the Public Mobile SIM to see if your Public Mobile service is up and running. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi - you're right - last time I gave them the IMEI of the phone.  I resubmitted the request and this time I gave them the account number from Sasktel.  I'm at my wit's end listening to PM and Sasktel blame each other, yet it's pretty clear that Sasktel is not getting the respone to their text request, since they didn't respond to me when I said YES about 10 times.....


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @LeoDoodle , Lots of chefs in this kitchen, so I don't want to make the waters any more muddy for you. It's just that I noticed you said:

"They have my phone number - I did not provide PM with my Sasktel account number - I gave my phone number in the request because I have multiple numbers with Sasktel within the same contract and didn't want them to shut the whole thing down. "

From personal experience in porting to Public Mobile from an account with more than one line of service, I still had to provide both the phone number AND the account number when filling out the activation form. The form asks for either the account number or the IMEI for the phone itself. I didn't think you could submit the form by just providing a phone number in the transfer section. Anyway, rest assured that providing the account number will NOT cancel the entire account with will only port that number you specify (and then remove that number from your SaskTel account). Looks like you already accepted a solution here, but hope this helps.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi - I went into my profile and requested a number transfer once again. This time, instead of giving the IMEI number, I gave the Sasktel account number.  I have not received any texts from PM or Sasktel. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Porting in over 100 Numbers for myself and Friend Referrals to Public Mobile I've become quite experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to the Transfer System. Whenever there is an issue I can't solve myself, I know exactly what needs to be done but sadly the inexperience of some reps make it impossible for me to get it done in a timely fashion.

I've been told misinformation so many times from both Sasktel and Public especially when it came to that Sasktel situation but I stood my ground and made it clear they we're wrong. The person your talking to on the phone, has probably never done something like this before and is reading a script off the computer in front of them to try and help you.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks - I would like to do this, but because of the information that Priority provided (that there should be a response from Sasktel when I respond YES, but I'm not getting it) I don't know that it will make a difference. 

I will try one last time. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for this - I have yet to receive a response like this to any of the texts I have received. I asked this of the Sasktel rep and they said there was no response that should come.  I just got off the call with Sasktel and they told me that they don't know what the problem is.  They have my phone number - I did not provide PM with my Sasktel account number - I gave my phone number in the request because I have multiple numbers with Sasktel within the same contract and didn't want them to shut the whole thing down.  That would surprise me if that was the problem, but what you're saying is making me think that someone doesn't have the right information. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If the Sasktel telephone number still has service on the Sasktel SIM Card, Then you need to change your phone number within the account profile on Public Mobile settings like I did and mentioned below, you then you have to call the Public mobile Porting Department to have them cancel the Port Request so you can resubmit it again.

You'll then be able to transfer number within profile settings on your Public Mobile Account to resubmit the Transfer. 

Sometimes it takes two attempts, It doesn't always work the first time.

HI @LeoDoodle 

you can put your Sasktel sim back to the phone and it should be working

call PM team , ask them to re-imitate the porting, you will get a new sms to approve from Sasktel and reply YES once more

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, thank you - I have been on the phone with Sasktel 3 times and had PM Porting rep on the phone at the same time.  Sasktel says it's not their fault, and PM says it's Sasktel's fault. I don't know and don't really care who's fault it is, but I have wasted have of my Saturday playing phone tag and having each team point fingers at each other.  Crazy....

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

After Responding 'YES' to the Sasktel Port Request with the Sasktel SIM Card in, make sure you get a message back that says 'We'll proceed with your request to transfer phone number to another provider'. 

If you don't get that, than the Port wasn't approved on Sasktels end. 

In my case, I used the wrong account Number when Porting in and even after Replying 'Yes', sasktel said it was going to proceed but never did which confused me.

Make sure to Reply 'YES' in all Capitals.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi - I'm back on for the third time with Sasktel. Although I responded YES to their request to transfer the number, I received another text 90 mins later saying that the request had not been answered and it was being cancelled. Right after that, i got another text from PM asking if I wanted to do the transfer.  Now, talking to Sasktel right now, they are saying that this is PM's fault (surprise...) but she has gone offline to talk to her higher level people. 

This shouldn't be this complicated.  

@LeoDoodle  pM is pre paid and typically no refunds but in your unique circumstances maybe they can make an exception for you . Here’s how to contact them and ask 

private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi - called the number - got a very nice representative.  He said that the request to do the transfer was cancelled by PM yesterday.  Not sure why, Sasktel told me they received a response yesterday from me to their request to transfer the number, but whatever. 

I had to put the old Sasktel SIM back into the phone and the PM rep reinitiated the request.  I got a text request from PM (which I never received yesterday) asking if I wanted to transfer the number - I responded "1" - then I received the same request from Sasktel as yesterday.  I responded YES and continued to chat with the rep - he said he couldn't see a response.  So I had called Sasktel and got the PM rep and their rep on the phone together and Sasktel said they're not seeing anything - and they then indicated that they were taking the security restrictions off so that the request would go faster. 

We sat on the phone (the three of us) for over half an hour, and nothing happened and no progress was made.  I asked if there was any way to escalate this and Sasktel rep said no because anyone that would respond to such a request is off today because it's the weekend.  I responded "Yes, because no one needs phone service on weekends."  Silence on the phone. 

Where it was left was that neither company would concede that they have a problem, and essentially pointed fingers at each other, and said that there's nothing that they can do except wait.  So, I didn't feel like wasting anymore of my Saturday, and I let them go. 

I still have the old SIM from Sasktel in the phone and it still works - so, I will have to sit and wait for one of the companies to blink and admit that there is a problem....

The lack of service is part of the reason I'm leaving Sasktel, and I appreciated being able to speak to someone at PM, but I am not happy with the solution. 

Is there a way to back out of this and get a refund and throw the PM SIM out and start over with someone else? While this might get resolved, eventually, I'm not happy with how this sets up for the future. 

Thanks, LD. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If the Sasktel SIM Card still has service, than the Port didn't complete and needs to be canceled from Publics end to be resubmitted. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Priority , OP wrote "I've contacted Sasktel this morning and they tell me that they have received everything they need, and it's on PM to complete the number transfer. "


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I have experience with Sasktel ports, I've done 3 of them in the last month and for one of them the Port also failed since I used the Wrong Account Number.

If her Sasktel SIM still has reception than what you need to do first is sign into your wifes Public Mobile Account and change her phone number back to a new temporary one within My Account, Profile Settings. You have to call the Public Mobile Porting Department and have them Cancel the Port on their end so you can resubmit the request. 

After they've canceled it, you'll be able to Transfer that number again within Profile Settings and try again. The Sasktel will than get another Port Request you will have to reply yes to.

Need Help? Let's chat.