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Number Transfer delayed

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried to port my number from Chatr wireless to Public mobile. my phone has two imei numbers. my chatr sim was in slot 2. imei 1 was  given to make the number transfer request. now i put the  sim in right place slot 1. i want to refresh the number transfer through the " summit a ticket " . but i got error message.  i have tried more than 20 times. Public mobile Customer service agents Please help in this matter.

Thank you  in advance.

Have a great day


Mayor / Maire

@Tharsikan  Best to just use chatr account number and ignore IMEI . Will send you porting team number private messge . They can re trigger request for you 


Mayor / Maire

Hi @Tharsikan 

YOu can reach a CS Agent via this link

Porting sent as well via PM top right corner.


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