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No data

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

One of our family PM accounts ran out of mobile data before renewing (auto renew) and when it did, the mobile data did not reset.  Is there a reason/fix that anyone is aware of for this? They should have 8gb but have no data available at all.  Tried restarting phone, going into and out of airplane mode already.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Mayor / Maire


While the payment system debiting accounts on renewal night can be delayed the actual renewal always occurs exactly at midnight eastern. Any text, minute or data counters reset at that time unless there is a glitch with one or more of the counters not resetting. If this happens it would occur at midnight eastern.....there would not be a delay resetting. It either does at that time or not at all.





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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Um... *cough, cough* she had her mumble mumble mumble...........

I said she had her data turned off!

Well, let this be a lesson to thoroughly check your settings.

Thanks anyway everyon

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Wife's phone, she's at work, but I will check that for sure


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The payment has been made, yes, and the phone is showing no data, I will check the account later to see if that shows available data, that's a good idea to narrow things down.

Mayor / Maire

Has the payment been made? Is the phone saying you're out of data? Or is the account page?

Mayor / Maire

What does your account says? Can you provide screenshot showing 0 bytes available after renewal, please.

Maybe it is just a delay during renewal day?

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