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No action from PM to resolve unsuccessful activation

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 6 days ago I bought a $40 plan and asked to transfer my koodo phone number. At the end of activation  process I got a 821 error. No answer from customer support to resolve the issue. Very disappointing!😞 

So far, I think I have lost $52 and lot of time!!


Haha, so turn out this is no action from OP to resolve the problem 🤣

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Some people are lazy, they don't google and don't use search function in PM community! Same issues and problems posted again, again and never end! 

@LitlLdy- Careful about caring too much. This place will eat you alive for caring too much. Gotta let some things slide.

@HALIMACS wrote:

@LitlLdy wrote:

@HALIMACS , this seems to happen way to often where we put in a lot of time posting trying to help other Customers & they never respond back! And yes, some then start new posts about the same thing yet still not respond back! I’m sorry but I find this very disrespectful!

Agree @LitlLdy , it's enormously disrespectful if it's purposeful, however, it could also be that perhaps (maybe) the OP has no idea how to reply to the thread they started so they just start another one.


Perhaps they're just taking the information and running with it?


Perhaps they think they're dealing with PM staff and they 'think' they'll fix the problem for them?


Lots of speculation when they don't respond.   


Takes me back to my proposal of several months ago re aptitude measures PM might wish to throw out to 'gauge' whether this service is for prospective folks looking to move here.   For all those 'sensitive' types out there, by aptitude, I DO NOT mean intelligence or educational or technical expertise, just simply whether one is wanting to be 'hands-on' with their mobile service provider or let others do the work for them.

@HALIMACS , true. I understand what you & @dust2dust mean. I was once new & completely lost on here! I also, take things a bit to close to my heart at times. Not anyone’s fault. I just care to much sometimes 😊

Plus, sometimes I’m on here when I don’t feel well which is also a negative thing!

@LitlLdy wrote:

@HALIMACS , this seems to happen way to often where we put in a lot of time posting trying to help other Customers & they never respond back! And yes, some then start new posts about the same thing yet still not respond back! I’m sorry but I find this very disrespectful!

Agree @LitlLdy , it's enormously disrespectful if it's purposeful, however, it could also be that perhaps (maybe) the OP has no idea how to reply to the thread they started so they just start another one.


Perhaps they're just taking the information and running with it?


Perhaps they think they're dealing with PM staff and they 'think' they'll fix the problem for them?


Lots of speculation when they don't respond.   


Takes me back to my proposal of several months ago re aptitude measures PM might wish to throw out to 'gauge' whether this service is for prospective folks looking to move here.   For all those 'sensitive' types out there, by aptitude, I DO NOT mean intelligence or educational or technical expertise, just simply whether one is wanting to be 'hands-on' with their mobile service provider or let others do the work for them.

@LitlLdy- This has been going on for years. I think it's that people are unfamiliar with how the place works. They don't know the notifications. They don't know the email notifications. They don't know how to find their old thread. So we need to be patient with them. I don't they mean any disrespect. It's nothing new.

Mayor / Maire

Let's try again, @mosaed 


Was it Koodo POST-paid or Koodo PRE-paid?


Yes, it makes a difference.


Read this:

How to choose your Phone Number (

@HALIMACS wrote:



What is equally disappointing is that you've asked 3 separate times over the past week, received several replies with recommendations from other customers (just like you) and you've not replied to any of the users who took time out of their day to assist.


Did you follow any of their prior advice?  


Were you aware you were only dealing with other customers, like yourself, here on this community forum?




Your first thread:


Your second thread:





@HALIMACS , this seems to happen way to often where we put in a lot of time posting trying to help other Customers & they never respond back! And yes, some then start new posts about the same thing yet still not respond back! I’m sorry but I find this very disrespectful!

Mayor / Maire


Since your previous carrier is Koodo. It will be pretty easy to port over to PM.

There is a porting number you can call. I will message you the number.


Here is a post from someone with similar error and solution: 

Mayor / Maire



What is equally disappointing is that you've asked 3 separate times over the past week, received several replies with recommendations from other customers (just like you) and you've not replied to any of the users who took time out of their day to assist.


Did you follow any of their prior advice?  


Were you aware you were only dealing with other customers, like yourself, here on this community forum?




Your first thread:


Your second thread:






@mosaed wrote:

 6 days ago I bought a $40 plan and asked to transfer my koodo phone number. At the end of activation  process I got a 821 error. No answer from customer support to resolve the issue. Very disappointing!😞 

So far, I think I have lost $52 and lot of time!!

@mosaed   did you check the Community inbox (envelope icon on top right or this direct link: )  They will reply you there and not email


No worry, you won't loss $52,  they will do something.  If they have not replied yet, please message them once more

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there



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