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New plan 35 can us mex 60 Gig

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was wondering are any of these new plans offered by public mobile unlimited data. Example if you go over your 60gigs on your plan will the data continue just at a reduced speed? 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

That is referring only to data speed. The data add-ons that you can purchase are for either Canada or US only. As for Mexico there is a help page stating that they do not offer Mexico roaming add-ons at this time but may in the future if there is a demand for it.

@makkahn28 wrote:

But, there are no Canada-Wide Only 5G Plans

There are Canada-wide only 5G plans at Public Mobile.  Those just currently aren't offered to anyone who doesn't already have one.

Mayor / Maire

The Unlimited Data 5G ONLY applies to Canada-Wide, Not Can-US Or Can-US-Mex


But, there are no Canada-Wide Only 5G Plans, Only 4G Canada-Wide Only But 4G LTE does Not benefit from Unlimited Data Throttle Speed

@funpig1 wrote:

@Kwoks @Chalupa_Batman @BKNS27 @TheSterlinger 

I believe the add-on data only works in Canada, not in US or Mexico. Use your GB wisely.

So here's the thing @funpig1 ...  this is in the T&C. 

⁵Data Add-Ons to supplement a Data Subscription Plan will be provisioned at the data speed selected in your subscription plan.

Information is key. It doesn't specify if a data addon is Canada Only specific if you have a Can US Mex plan. I would assume it can be used in all 3. After reading the You and Public Mobile Terms of Service, it doesn't actually say which means Public Mobile needs to update these to match the new plans.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Kwoks @Chalupa_Batman @BKNS27 @TheSterlinger 

I believe the add-on data only works in Canada, not in US or Mexico. Use your GB wisely.

Mayor / Maire

@Kwoks wrote:

I was wondering are any of these new plans offered by public mobile unlimited data. Example if you go over your 60gigs on your plan will the data continue just at a reduced speed? 

Hello @Kwoks 

If you look at the number 1 beside the data...



check out the Terms and Service and you get this.

¹Subscription plans with 3G speed may reach download speeds of up to 3 Mbps, subscription plans with 4G speed may reach download speeds of up to 100 Mbps and subscription plans with 5G speed may reach download speeds of up to 250 Mbps. Speed and signal strength may vary with your device, configuration, Internet traffic, environmental conditions, applicable network management policies and other factors. 

Mayor / Maire


Unfortunately, once you use up the 60gb. You won’t connect to any data and it will stop working. You need to connect to home wifi or public wifi or purchase data add-on.

No reduced speed.


Mayor / Maire


The $35 Can-U.S.-Mex plan has 60GB included it is not unlimited, if and once you finish your data then your out and will either have to buy more or to wait for your renewal date.

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