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My credit card is being charged without my consent

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’ve already had to cancel a credit card because it’s being charged even though I cancelled my public account a year ago when I lost my phone. Public’s “customer service” is completely useless. how can I stop this from continuing to happen as the credit card company just tells me to cancel my credit card


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes I’ve tried logging in on multiple devices. So the solution to stop getting billed by public is to stop using Mastercard? lol won’t be referring anyone to Public anytime soo

@Rastin no, that is not correct.  Banks cannot do that. CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. it's your responsibility to do that.

Banks are federally regulated.  So many acts and rules against them. Customer Protection Agency, Office of the Ombudsman,  the lists goes on.

Breach of privacy. 

Mayor / Maire

It's important to know that cancelation of a credit does not guarantee that your pre authorized merchants cannot continue to bill you. That's why they read disclosures when doing so, to contact those merchants to cancel the services with them directly. 

If you review your credit card statement,  you should see the old card numbers besides the charges. PM does not have the new number, but the charges gets posted to new number.

Most banks will send you back to the merchants to deal with it yourself. 

So it's important to work with PM to come to a resolution. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

When Banks give you a new card it's common for them to give the information to others companies that you have already given your info to to keep things like subscription going like Netflix and so on. When you are having problems like this it's better to get a card from a different place and cancel the other one out right

Have you tried a different device to log in on or cleared your cash on the one you are using?

hi @Ryanbe you were pasting something to the message.  Just type them out

if need to paste, just paste as text

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Replying to CS agent WILL NOT WORK because of a html error in the body of the message


edtied by computergeek541: profanity removed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I click “my account” it links me to the exact same page, this service is abhorrent 

hi @Ryanbe try a charge back from the credit card 

but how could PM got a hold of your bee card new number all of sudden?? your card must have been compromise 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There were no charges for around 5 months after cancelling. I filed a fraud dispute with the CC company in November and had to get a new card, I am just now seeing charges going back to at least January. My account has never been used by another party or family member. I DONT KNOW HOW PUBLIC HAS MY NEW CREDIT CARD NUMBER



if you cancelled a credit card, PM would not be able to charge you other credit card.  How can PM has a record of your other credit card.

You sure you card not being used by other family members for another PM account? 

where the phone number with the PM account you had before? you ported into another provider? you can try to call 1.855.4PUBLIC  and enter that phone number to confirm if the number is still active.  Of course, even that number is not active, your credit card could still linked to another PM account that you are not aware of.  You really have to work with support for an investigation


Mayor / Maire

HI @Ryanbe 

how your cancel your service?  did you port out or just "not use" the service?

check if you can still login to My Account, if so, go to Payment, Manage Subscription and check if Subscribed is on.  If it is , then you didn't turn off autopay yourself

if you cannot login, it is a good sign that account could have been closed, you can just message support agent and ask them for refund        

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