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Lots of Forbidden A1 most nights

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Night Eastern Timezone after 12 am get lots of

Forbidden A1

Is it just my account or it means the site is under maintenance. I just wanted to check how much data i have left for the month and couldnt. Is there another way to check the data left for the month on the plan ?


Mayor / Maire


I just got that message after sign in (as I often get) which generally means if I click on the profile avatar at the top right corner of the screen I'm immediately logged into my community account rather than having to also having to enter the 6 digit 2FA code.

Neversafe is the Bain of my existence with this account constantly being logged out after 10 or so minutes of inactivity whereas poor permanently banned darlicious stays logged into both the community and self serve account?!! On firefox that is.....I would switch browsers but pm on firefox prevents images from being uploaded except in private messaging and they are so "fuzzy" they are unreadable and I cannot see what is typed in private messaging until each word is completely typed. This guinea pig wants to go on strike for more carrots.

Public Mobile is Grrrreat!!  🐯😃🐈👍

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Would be peachy groovy. Is this an addon?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Everything Works but not like last week

Week before struggled through app activation authenticate this authenticate that send here to go there

Public Service working well not convinced but evaluating


This site , freakin Eversap just crap. Did you .ook at the pics


HI @SlickToxic 

So, the email you were showing to login was used for My Account login before?

Maybe Eversafe was unable to find your My Account. you talked to support yet?

Please submit a ticket with CS agent here:


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This was this afternoon took an hour to log in account and community Truly I took a nap

Used a clean incgnito brower not the app


This is when site works?Experience last week much better.

Made a thread post about it and its gone?


This is abuse and strong arm tactics by elus

Look ?

Freakng Ballon hovers over reply button







Mayor / Maire

@MrPK , you can try to login now. I am able to log into My Account & the Public Mobile app!

Mayor / Maire


A thought just occurred to me about the glitch with eversafe not recognizing the email. I just set up one of my referral's with their eversafe ID which in turn once redirected to the account gave me the site is down for maintenance message. I'm hoping this is not the cause of the glitch? The only other eversafe ID I have set up during maintenance has that glitch. I will report back if this latest one gets it too?

@MetaMorpheusMob- Nothing works right now. Not 611 or *611 or 1-855-4pu-blic or the account or the app or the chatbot payment (it lets you log in though).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

when i dial 611 i get hung up nothing answers.

Need Help? Let's chat.