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Lost my phone number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My phone has been deleted from my account.


@CS_Agent  It would be helpful if you added some advice not already provided.
Perhaps shortcut the procedure and send a private message directly to the customer? 

BTW: Maybe you are actually SIMON's replacement?

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Customer Support Agent

Hello there, and thanks for visiting our community forum.


The community is a great way of searching for answers and help from our customers, however if you still need assistance, and you have reached out through a private message, or a ticket, we kindly ask to keep an eye on your community inbox.


You can also start a ticket by going to the option "Start a chat" in our website, the option is at the bottom of the page, as well you can send a private message to "CS_Agent" in case you have a concern that might need some more investigation.


Our customer support team will get in touch as soon as possible.
Public Mobile Team.


there were suggestions about you to get PM's help in your situation.  Have you open a ticket with PM yet?  We are just customers, no matter how many time you post here, we won't be able to help in account situation like yours

please ask PM to help.  You just need to open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen

or message them using this link:

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


We are all customers here, no one has access to you account, submit a ticket to CSA so they may be able to help.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Please help I my old number back. The number I ported yesterday is my niece's number.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


You number has been replaced by your niece number, so you old number returned back to the original provider 

If you got your number, from Public Mobile or Telus or Koodo, there is a chance to get it back, if you got your number from other providers, you may not be able to get it back again.

You can’t add numbers to your account, each phone number needs to have a separate account with a unique email 

try to submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link 

Type Customer Service and follow the prompts. If you are having any issues, here is a direct link by sending a private message


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I ported another number to my account and lost my own number.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I added my niece number to my account and now I have her number on the account but my number is gone.

Please clarify how did you 'lose' your number.

If you were suspended for more than 90 days due to no pay your account is deleted, number lost.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Please help me restore my number back on my account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

we will need the details that @hTideGnow asked so we can better understand your situation.
if you’d like to contact a CS_Agent, use this link: 

Mayor / Maire


provide us more details

how long you have been with PM?  Did you activate with PM a month ago and requested porting?

and did you try to login My Account?  What phone number it is showing on the profile page?


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