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Lost SIM card

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've lost my SIM card, I bought a new and I want to recover my old number. What do I have to do to get it?

My email account has as a security contact my lost telephone number and because I tried to check mi email from another computer it has been blocked; this is my situation my email account in blocked and the server is sending a code to get on it to my telephone and I lost my telephone. because of this situation I need to change my Public Mobile email account too.



Mayor / Maire


In your situation you must contact customer support to swap out your sim card. Once you verify your account you will be asked to correctly answer 3 out of 4 additional questions to further verify you are the account holder. These include info that is not readily available for view in your account and can include info about payment details. Once you satisfy the CSA's questions they will perform sim swap for you.


Personally I hate Simple--Simon and find private messaging to be just as timely for a reply from customer support. The choice is yours as to the method of contact that you prefer to use. Either way expect a reply within the hour during customer support business hours.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire

HI @JosephDanySalas   What kind of email system is that if you can only use your phone to authenticate to login, there must be way to get back in without the need of your phone.  Engage Mi email.


Any yes, as advised above, you need to open ticket with PM Support to have them change the SIM card number for you.    If they refuse to do (maybe you fail to answer their couple security questions) , then you will have to find Mi Support and try to access your email without the telephone first. 



@paul007 wrote:

Hi send a private message to customer service probably they can help you

While this is true, customers should open the ticket using the chatbot whenever possible. Going directly to the private message route will automatically result in slower service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi send a private message to customer service probably they can help you

@JosephDanySalas wrote:

I've lost my SIM card, I bought a new and I want to recover my old number. What do I have to do to get it?

My email account has as a security contact my lost telephone number and because I tried to check mi email from another computer it has been blocked; this is my situation my email account in blocked and the server is sending a code to get on it to my telephone and I lost my telephone. because of this situation I need to change my Public Mobile email account too.


Since Public Mobile wants to send you code but your e-mail provider wants to also send you a code, the only way to get everything done will be to contact a Public Mobile CSA.  Please open a ticket by going to:


@JosephDanySalas   usually people just need to login to My Account and request Change SIM card.  However, since you have no access to your email address, you wouldn't be able to complete the process as they need to send a security code to either your phone or your email , which you have no access on both.


So, the only option is to open a ticket with PM support. and ask them to manually process the Change SIM card for you , you have to explain the situation with PM Support.


To open ticket with PM Support, you can use one of the two methods below.  You should still be able to use method 1, which need your credentials on My Account.  My account uses your email address as the login id, you can still login even you lost access to your email 

1. If you have access to Self-Serve My account: For faster response (2-48 hours) , Click on the bubble in the lower right to request CS Agent assistance, or use this direct link:

Start with typing "Submit a ticket", click "Contact Us", click "Other" from the choices, click "Click here to submit a ticket". Then follow to complete the ticket submission.

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with above method: you can Send a private message to the CS Agent here:

**Monitor your Community inbox, envelope on the top right, after ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply and work with you  via messaging there

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